4S center diff in a 3S 4x4?

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A few people have shown what you need and how it performs on YouTube like Do RC and Ajjamstudios and Derby City RC. I think it’s worth doing for the adjustability and learning experience, plus it’s friggin cool. Imma do it with Jenny’s/ebay parts some day.
A few people have shown what you need and how it performs on YouTube like Do RC and Ajjamstudios and Derby City RC. I think it’s worth doing for the adjustability and learning experience, plus it’s friggin cool. Imma do it with Jenny’s/ebay parts some day.
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A few people have shown what you need and how it performs on YouTube like Do RC and Ajjamstudios and Derby City RC. I think it’s worth doing for the adjustability and learning experience, plus it’s friggin cool. Imma do it with Jenny’s/ebay parts some day.
Yeah,Ive seen the DerbyCity and a cuple other's. I only found this forum because I googled about why there are extra mounting holes on the opposite side of motor mount on the 4s diff box. I have a brand new aluminum 4s center diff module I'm about to install! Was just curious as to why extra mounting holes on that side? No answers so far. But it's just hole's for dust and debri to get in! Looks to me that maybe there's a way to add another double gear set on a slider and possibly another servo for a second gear? Or maybe just another idler induction gear? I would like to know what is supposed to mount there before I cover holes and install it! I confess to my ignorance,not to being dumb or stupid!
Oh,apparently I'm a bit stupid and a lot ignorant! Upon installment I just realized what thay are. They're motor mount adjustment slots with 2 holes in the middle for mounting cover plate when finished. I didn't see cover plate with all the parts or I'm more than sure I would've figured it out way sooner. Thank you veey much for your help and concern! I really appreciate the feedback. I'm going to finish installation and I'll let you know how it went.Thanks again!😁
Oh,apparently I'm a bit stupid and a lot ignorant! Upon installment I just realized what thay are. They're motor mount adjustment slots with 2 holes in the middle for mounting cover plate when finished. I didn't see cover plate with all the parts or I'm more than sure I would've figured it out way sooner. Thank you veey much for your help and concern! I really appreciate the feedback. I'm going to finish installation and I'll let you know how it went.Thanks again!😁
Awesome! Don't worry about it. Knowledge will come. The only stupid question is the one you don't ask. We're all happy to help! Welcome to the Forum! Theres tons of new things to learn here!
Hope no one minds a little thread necromancy

My son just burned thru his senton 91t Mega slipper running a 3800kv motor on 2s. 85a esc.

Thinking of doing this mod with him and installing a center diff vs upgrading his slipper to the 57t. Price difference all in is 85 for center diff parts vs 37ish for the slipper.

Seems like its worth it.
Anyone have any suggestions after running these in a senton for a few months now?
Unfortunately for my 3S Senton monster conversion and V3 BRCC bashers, my tinkeritis is acting up. Just curious if anyone has converted to a center diff and deleted the slipper? What parts did you install? How'd it work out for you?
Those center diffs come assembled with thin or lil oil! They'll diff out in the front and balloon tires! They are a female dog to take apart! Good luck! I stripped screws out,tried drilling,and went through side of diff! Now have to purchase another when just need aluminum case!
Those center diffs come assembled with thin or lil oil! They'll diff out in the front and balloon tires! They are a female dog to take apart! Good luck! I stripped screws out,tried drilling,and went through side of diff! Now have to purchase another when just need aluminum case!

Oh,apparently I'm a bit stupid and a lot ignorant! Upon installment I just realized what thay are. They're motor mount adjustment slots with 2 holes in the middle for mounting cover plate when finished. I didn't see cover plate with all the parts or I'm more than sure I would've figured it out way sooner. Thank you veey much for your help and concern! I really appreciate the feedback. I'm going to finish installation and I'll let you know how it went.Thanks again!😁
Yeah,it didn't go too well! Got it installed and it worked, but diffed out and spun only front wheels! Not enough oil in already assemble diff! So I attempted to take apart being sure to use heat and good tools! Still stripped all 4 screws and screwed up diff trying to drill out! Can't find anywhere to buy individual center diff components!
Yeah,it didn't go too well! Got it installed and it worked, but diffed out and spun only front wheels! Not enough oil in already assemble diff! So I attempted to take apart being sure to use heat and good tools! Still stripped all 4 screws and screwed up diff trying to drill out! Can't find anywhere to buy individual center diff components!
I want to try this one on my granite. They sell em in parts. I might do it in a few months. Xmas = broke. 😅

I want to try this one on my granite. They sell em in parts. I might do it in a few months. Xmas = broke. 😅

View attachment 404459
No,the differential is still assembled! You can't purchase diff case and gears seperately unassembled! Not that I have been able to find after hrs of searching? I wasn't referring to diff and module being seperate! I was referring to the center differential itself being sold unassembled without gears. In individual pieces!
No,the differential is still assembled! You can't purchase diff case and gears seperately unassembled! Not that I have been able to find after hrs of searching? I wasn't referring to diff and module being seperate! I was referring to the center differential itself being sold unassembled without gears. In individual pieces!
Ah.. understood.. like this?

I want to try this one on my granite. They sell em in parts. I might do it in a few months. Xmas = broke. 😅

View attachment 404459
Saw this on amazon for twice the price.
Spent too much this xmas. Going to use an older slipper from a boost for now. Definitely going to do this in the new year.

At least I know to check the center diff fluid before getting stuck in. Thanks everyone
Hope no one minds a little thread necromancy

My son just burned thru his senton 91t Mega slipper running a 3800kv motor on 2s. 85a esc.

Thinking of doing this mod with him and installing a center diff vs upgrading his slipper to the 57t. Price difference all in is 85 for center diff parts vs 37ish for the slipper.

Seems like its worth it.
Anyone have any suggestions after running these in a senton for a few months now?

It was totally worth it. I got all of the parts from Jenny's, and they are all stock parts, no hop ups. Personally, I'm glad I made the swap and would do it again on any Arrma I buy in the future that doesn't already have a center diff as long as I don't have to completely rebuild it to make the mod fit. Thankfully, this was an easy swap once I had the right parts. In the 8 months since the swap, we've had better acceleration, less broken drivetrain parts, more control, and just a better overall experience from the slipper clutch from the original design. After we did this, we also swapped the arms and suspension for Outcast 4S. Now, we're finally done messing with this BRCC and it won't change from the way we have it now. Next up will probably be something 6S.