4x4 Arrma Granite?

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Arrma RC's
  1. Granite
If arrma would design, a 4wd arrma granite blx monster truck, I would buy it! Even if it had to be little bigger, than 1/10 but not 1/8, maybe 1/9 scale? Sure, they would probably have to redesign the granites chassis, and would cost more. Does anyone else, think this could work? Would you buy, a 4wd granite?
I would buy it too!

I love the 1/8 scalers, however the investment in extra lipo's is for me the drawback. And I have to buy two cars + lipo sets, since my son wants to race with me with equal equipment ;)
Hi there all :) I love the 4x4 and It would be good if Arrma had it in offer with the Granite, but you have to remeber it's needs more work on it + the extra costs + some weight are there, too (second diff, dog bones etc.) At the time I'm thinking to make my "not arrma truck" ;) basher from 4WD to 2WD - to make it simpler.
"Nothing ultra new was being shown from Axial, Durango or ARRMA, but we did get some inside info on a couple of upcoming trucks from ARRMA. We can’t say much, but they should fill a niche that everyone has been waiting for and could be in stores in time for Christmas.""


I'm hoping they mean a 4wd Granite or more traditional style 1/8th MT
"Nothing ultra new was being shown from Axial, Durango or ARRMA, but we did get some inside info on a couple of upcoming trucks from ARRMA. We can’t say much, but they should fill a niche that everyone has been waiting for and could be in stores in time for Christmas.""


I'm hoping they mean a 4wd Granite or more traditional style 1/8th MT

What could be that niche?
Where is the hole in the Arrma product line?

4x4 1/10?

Or smaller 1/12 or even 1/18 scale?

Or finally the long awaited hop-up parts?
I doubt it's hopups, but definitely hope for a 1/10th 4x4

I agree, it was wishful thinking ;)

But I do not think so, unless it will based on their 1/8 scale platform. The 1/10 Senton is basically their first 4x4 in the smaller scale. But no monster truck and the driveline is 1/8 with costly batteries...

I guess they will shop in the parts library of Team Durango for this/these new car(s)...
News like this, makes me want to put off buying another rc, until everyone releases their new rc's. If I wait, I'll have more money to spend on one. Decisions, decisions, decisions..... :D
News like this, makes me want to put off buying another rc, until everyone releases their new rc's. If I wait, I'll have more money to spend on one. Decisions, decisions, decisions..... :D

@Blxer ...Your live sucks...I see it in your writing...I feel your suffering...:p
But remember.......Suffering leeds to Hate...Hate leeds to Traxxas...:mad:
And btw...Buy me a new ESC for my Mojave BLX if you want to spend some money...:D
I'd be all over a 1/8 scale 4x4 M/T like white on rice! Just make it competitive the the other MT'S and offer some optional parts that people actually want!... not those useless cosmetic upgrades. Steering blocks, hub carriers, body posts ect. You know the parts we actually break?
That would be a cool design but I like 2WD better just because I can wet the street in frount of my house and drift. :)
[Quote = "woodie post: 910, membro: 1"] Io sono un fan di 4x4 pure. Potrebbero uscire con uno, ma il Arrma Kraton riempie quel vuoto bene. [/ Quote]
Ma il Kraton non ha Una buona altezza da terra