a Dangerous question.......

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Nijmegen, the Netherlands, Europe
Arrma RC's
  1. Mojave
Okay my dear fellow members, and specifically the ones from the United States.......
I am trying to understand something...And this thing being Donald Trump...
What makes him so attractive as a potential President?...

To be honest...He scares the poop out of me...Like a Brexit, but thats for another thread...
The guy is a known fraud...He plays the masses like Goebbels in Nazi Germany...He rapes the truth on a scale I have never seen somebody do...Okay, perhaps Boris Johnson is even better at it, but again, for another thread...He even insults a sitting President and thereby all the people who voted for the guy...

How come he has a serious shot at becoming the leader of the free world and a finger on the nuclear trigger?

Btw, I must admit...I kind of admire the fact he can...I am just surprised how so many people seem not to have a functioning brain by letting him get this change...

Best wishes from the Netherlands...

aka Aflan
Okay my dear fellow members, and specifically the ones from the United States.......
I am trying to understand something...And this thing being Donald Trump...
What makes him so attractive as a potential President?...

To be honest...He scares the poop out of me...Like a Brexit, but thats for another thread...
The guy is a known fraud...He plays the masses like Goebbels in Nazi Germany...He rapes the truth on a scale I have never seen somebody do...Okay, perhaps Boris Johnson is even better at it, but again, for another thread...He even insults a sitting President and thereby all the people who voted for the guy...

How come he has a serious shot at becoming the leader of the free world and a finger on the nuclear trigger?

Btw, I must admit...I kind of admire the fact he can...I am just surprised how so many people seem not to have a functioning brain by letting him get this change...

Best wishes from the Netherlands...

aka Aflan
IMHO he is a racist piece... and his goal is probably to make America a fascist country... oh yea has everyone (other countries) been laughing at us? Why are people even voting for this guy?!?! Build a wall my *** I doubt that would be approved. You know some people go through the sewer system too? Why doesn't Donald think of building a wall there lmao
Yes, he is somewhat Racist. Yes, he is not PC at all. Yes, he has run a few business into the ground...

But have you seen who he is running against? Hillary? What has this lady done, other than marry a former prez, and help him bury all the women he molested? She lies almost every time she gets a mic in front of her. Bought and paid for buy the banking industry ($21M in "speaking fees" in the last two years for her), while telling the masses she will reform the banks? Scandal after scandal, from cattle futures, real estate deals, gold mines in Haiti, port deals in the UAE, $250M in overseas 'donations' to the Clinton Foundation, (with Bill and Hill getting 90% of the cash), Benghazi, e-mails, the list goes on and on...

USA is screwed either way. The main difference - I believe Trump loves the USA and will try to do what he thinks is best for the country. Probably crash and burn, but he will try. Hillery will run the USA as best she can to line her own pockets and gain as much power for her, her husband, and then try to set up her daughter as another future prez.

Btw, I must admit...I kind of admire the fact he can...I am just surprised how so many people seem not to have a functioning brain by letting him get this change...

Functioning brains seem to be in short supply these days.

I think I will vote for the Texit... That is, Texas leaving the USA...

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Trump loves himself and money, he does not love the US. Trump has been talking of running for president since the late 90's. And each time we have seen a different version. A liberal when he saw Clinton leaving with high approval ratings, a moderate when he saw Bush leaving with moderate approval ratings and now a chest thumping conservative now that he sees the public's disapproval of Obama. He's finally found his niche, giving people a face to their fears. Even though it has been enough to clinch his nomination, I don't believe that demographic will be enough to clinch the general election.

And he's not "somewhat racist", there is no such thing. He is a racist, with a history. A history of companies he runs being slapped by the government for prejudicial practices beginning while he ran his father's company in the 70's and continuing into the early 00's. He's had ex associates come out about his racism behind closed doors beginning in the 80's, another wrote about it in a book in the early 90's. And his prejudice is not limited to race, he is egotistical and seems to actually believe most people are beneath him.

I read an article written about him in the 70's, several associates of his during that time were interviewed. The general consensus was that he's not happy making money off a project. He does not just want to win, he does not believe you can be a winner unless you make someone else lose. This basically sums up how I see him as a person, one who delights in the misery of others.

He's the guy who has made money off of trade agreements, but somehow people believe he will actually work to change them. He's a man who has a documented history of basically legally buying elections and getting people into office who would then award him with government grants, yet people believe he will return power to the people instead of extend policies that are turning this nation into an oligarchy already. He has a history of shipping in immigrants to do work here instead of hiring locally, yet people believe he actually gives a damn about immigration.

And the few foreign policy issues he has spoken about scares the living poop out of me. I do not want to live/die during WWIII.

Our foreign policy over the last 100 years has been a disaster, our constant over reaching and attempting to control others has brought about damn near all of the evils in the world today. If his policies were a person they would be a clone of the past policy blunders injected with steroids, shot in the ass with TRT carrying nukes in each hand.

And that's not to say Clinton is better, but I do fear her less. With her, it would be more of the same.
Our election in a nut shell... 5 gallon bucket of cow crap and a 5 gallon bucket of horse crap. Now pick which one you want dumped on you front porch...

I was thinking about the OP, and realized no-one as answered his question - how the H-E-double hocky sticks did Trump get the (R) nomination? 'Cuz BigSpit is pretty correct on Trump's history.

The answer is the Repubs have, over the last 15 year (going back to Bush) become a party of spineless weaklings that refuse to stand up to the PC police and stand up for those that elected them. Even during the Bush years, the majority of what was done, was done to try to "make friends with the Dems" and their puppets in the media. Once Obama was elected, the Repubs just cowered in the corner, in fear that saying No to the Man-child-in-chief would get them branded as a racist. That got us the Tea Party movement (which, BTW, was about 30% democrat), which Obama quickly crushed with the help of the IRS (A political movement that can't legally raise money can't move).

By the start of the primary season in 2015, the vast majority of the people that pay attention and vote (R) were sick of the establishment. Then, along comes this guy that tells off the media (Anchor baby? you are offended by the term Anchor Baby? To bad, I am saying it), and all those people that have spend the last 7 years being called a racist because they didn't like something Obama had done, stood up and cheered. Yes, everyone knows he buys politicians. Yes, we know he is liberal. Some of us even realize he is lying about the wall.

Will he govern like Reagan? Heck no. Do I think he is conservative? No way. Was he my first choice? or second or fifth? Nope. Do I think he will even be a Good POTUS? Not sure... All I really know for sure is, #1, he is a business man that knows how to make money. #2 He likes to Win. Will this translate into good for the USA? I don't know, but it is durn sure better than Obama (#1 neither knows nor cares how stuff gets paid for, and #2- Blame USA for everything wrong in the world) or Hillery (#1 thinks government creates jobs and wealth, and #2 does not care who wins, so long as she get paid).

My .02

Oh, and the Bumper sticker? Voldermort believed there was no such thing as Good or Evil. Only the Powerful and the Weak. The Powerful deserved to rule the Weak, and were justified in destroying anyone that tried to take away their power. IMHO, that does a good job of describing Obama, both Clintons, and Trump.

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I think democracy is the best thing we have...It promotes, in its fiber, freedom of speech, freedom to be your self, freedom to think...
But at the moment I am wondering if you shouldn't have some sort of "licenses" to be able to vote/represent others...
Because people like Le Pen, Farage, Wilders, Trump and other just seem to bend the truth to there will...And so many people follow them...
It scares me...It scares me a lot...
I have seen war...I have seen derivation through austerity...I have seen hunger through globalization...
I have trouble seeing peace and prosperity for my children...
It scares me...

In other news, and perhaps an explanation for my slightly gloomy mood regarding this subject, see my other posting of today...
I would prefer this forum be void of such discussion topics.
I come here to be an ambassador of RC goodwill.
There are tons of blogs and what-not on this topic and no shortage of pundits and experts who have all the answers.
If it were up to me, this thread would be deleted.
@Steve :I might be mistaken, but the by-line of this part of the forum is "Our general non-RC chit-chat forum."...So, you don't get your panties in a twist...You don't have to read this part of the forum...;)

It is something that keeps my mind busy at the moment...And believe it or not...I value the opinion of some people on this form...On RC stuff, but also on other subjects... :)
@Steve :I might be mistaken, but the by-line of this part of the forum is "Our general non-RC chit-chat forum."...So, you don't get your panties in a twist...You don't have to read this part of the forum...;)

It is something that keeps my mind busy at the moment...And believe it or not...I value the opinion of some people on this form...On RC stuff, but also on other subjects... :)

@Aflan ; If you truly respected the opinions of others, then my reply would have been received as an objective and opposing POV.
You chose to place a label upon me with a taunt, "get your panties in a twist", (unacceptable behavior on his forum), and false supposition on my state of mind.
A perfect example and reinforcement of my post on why this forum should be void of discussion topics on politics, religion, or other controversial social issues.
I understand, this becomes a community and member share life experiences outside of RC, such as their pride, joy and love for children and family, the most important part of any man's life.
My reply was made in generality and not towards any specific member.
I'll offer you the last word, then I wish for you and your loved ones a nice day.
You could have opened up a topic on your subject, you didnt...
You could have made contact with @WoodiE , the owner of this forum, @Unusual RC and @mrbelloso , the staff members and put forward your problems with topics like this on this specific forum, I suspect you didnt...
You choose to troll this topic and I perhaps shouldnt have responded like the way I did...But you could have expected a reaction like I gave you...
I respect your opinion on the subject...I disagree with you...I don't respect your way of being on the "moral high ground" like you seem to think you are...But thats the response you expected from me, and you just got it to make your self feel better...
I am using the forum within the boundaries the Staff have set...And if they set it differently, I will use it differently or leave...Because that's my choice...
Good day to you sir.......
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