Anyone else breaking front body mounts regularly?

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Arrma RC's
  1. Fury
  2. Raider
As it states, I bought my 13 year old his first Hobby grade RC, ( Arrma Brushed Fury ) and we have gone through 2 front body mount posts and one rear. We are mostly bashing around the yard and in the road with that and my Brushless Raider 1/8th scale. I know that concrete and RC cars don't mesh at all, but it just seems pretty flimsy anyways.
Long story short, I am an engineer and machinist by trade and I won my own CNC mill. I am planning on making a couple out of aluminum to try out. And since i am at least making 2, its just as easy for me to make 10. If the interest is there.

Let me know if this has been a problem for anyone else!!

Hmm. My son has punished his Fury pretty good but hasn't managed to break a body mount yet. He broke the lower chassis plate and front shock mounts, but everything else stayed intact.
We too have broken a lower front chassis plate. We replaced it with the aluminum one since. We have also had to replace a front lower control when the truck lost a fight with a mailbox post. ( Driving without a body due to broken posts )
Other than that, both of our arrma vehicles have been great.
there is a Topic here
i broke mine too, waited 4 weeks for the shipment from towerhobbies to Germany and then broke the new too after 2 runs (stupid jump on my hometrack)

i will try to build some aluminimu parts to strenght them
I too have had two front mounts break - now I have one broken set screwed to the mounts but they are at the lowest setting. Would be interested to see what you come up with.
V1.0 made of brass. Way to heavy but my brother in law had no aluminium.

I will try this at home and give you some pictures

Positive, there will be more grip on the Front :cool:
I broke both rear mounts and I'm currently in position that they are back ordered until late may. And the servo saver post left side fell off. So now I'm in the process of modding a set of Traxxas body mounts to fit the original roll bar.
Funny, same for me. rear posts will be reinforced with some Alloy pipe at home. Servo safer is also broken But the german shop said 2-3days delivery.

I modified the brass parts again. Drillled some holes for the screws and made the walls thinner. I'm looking forward to install them.
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Installed front extensions. I will have to cut them down a little bit.


Some alloy Tube for the rear mounts.
Fits very well but it has to be a bit longer
I will use some aditional glue on the broken side.
Did some bashing with my Fury last week, and some big jumps.
Air got caught under the body during one jump, actually blowing the Fury away, snapping the rear body post clean off.

Not a big surprise as it landed flat on it's roof from around 4m high... :P