Kraton Aqualungs's Kraton 6s EXB Build

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Not here to give you any advice, I'm a "drive it as you bought it" kinda guy lately... but I did want to say you have the greatest user name of all time....

do you still remember December's foggy freeze....... followed by (arguably) best guitar solo of all time....
I have the same rig under the tree. Can't wait to pop the hood. 😁 . Merry Christmas.
Now i must listen. My Dad and I always put Jethro into the cassette deck on road trips when I was a kid lol..
Yea if it were seeing I probably would drive it first.. last few RCs I either did a complete rebuild or kits. So i get in engineer mode.. how can I make better, without being a pig.. and not have to come back and redo things. Idk I have this angel on one side and the devil on the other lol
But it is fun doing a teardown and rebuild. Kind of glad i did. Easy to work on new, get to know how everything works and is put together, and only 80% of screws had locktite. Also the diffs did not have much fluid. 🙃
I'd say a day before I had everything completely apart.. i was like why Mart.. but now i cool lol

Not here to give you any advice, I'm a "drive it as you bought it" kinda guy lately... but I did want to say you have the greatest user name of all time....

do you still remember December's foggy freeze....... followed by (arguably) best guitar solo of all time....
Now i
I have the same rig under the tree. Can't wait to pop the hood. 😁 . Merry Christmas.
Now i must listen. My Dad and I always put Jethro into the cassette deck on road trips when I was a kid lol..
Yea if it were seeing I probably would drive it first.. last few RCs I either did a complete rebuild or kits. So i get in engineer mode.. how can I make better, without being a pig.. and not have to come back and redo things. Idk I have this angel on one side and the devil on the other lol
But it is fun doing a teardown and rebuild. Kind of glad i did. Easy to work on new, get to know how everything works and is put together, and only 80% of screws had locktite. Also the diffs did not have much fluid. 🙃
I'd say a day before I had everything completely apart.. i was like why Mart.. but now i cool lol

Not here to give you any advice, I'm a "drive it as you bought it" kinda guy lately... but I did want to say you have the greatest user name of all time....

do you still remember December's foggy freeze....... followed by (arguably) best guitar solo of all time....
Now i
Also.. i wire brushed almost every screw..91% alcohol nor brake cleaner were enough.. Holy locktite cake..
Whatever makes you happy. :cool: . I have way too many rigs to soak big $ into just one. 😁 . Besides they are all my favorites. (y) . Jethro Tull is great stuff. Have fun. 🏁 .
Whatever makes you happy. :cool: . I have way too many rigs to soak big $ into just one. 😁 . Besides they are all my favorites. (y) . Jethro Tull is great stuff. Have fun. 🏁 .
Right.. i was like you get no extra rig now .. smooth lol.. I may get a Notorious next year.. but would bash the crap out of that lol.. so I'd keep that stock like my Stampede. I run the stampede mostly in sand so I destroy hub carriers lol. But that aside that truck is so durable and usually a year or 2 before I break or replace anything
The Kraton I will baby like I did the Tmaxx. This will just handle waaay better lol
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Finished the front diff and upgraded the center diff to the aluminum housing. I ended up redoing the lash on the rear diff and putting a .1 mm shim behind the pinion. I did this also on the front diff. There was already a single factory shim behind there and adding another .1mm left a perfect gap a little larger than a hair.

For personal reference here's my diff settings:

1 factory shim between housing and diff bearing

Front and rear diff outdrive shims: .2mm & .3mm (gear side)

.1mm & factory shim behind pinion

Center diff .2mm & .3mm + .1mm (gear side)

Oil weight 60/300/30
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Right.. i was like you get no extra rig now .. smooth lol.. I may get a Notorious next year.. but would bash the crap out of that lol.. so I'd keep that stock like my Stampede. I run the stampede mostly in sand so I destroy hub carriers lol. But that aside that truck is so durable and usually a year or 2 before I break or replace anything
The Kraton I will baby like I did the Tmaxx. This will just handle waaay better lol
You can beat the chit out of the Noto, and it will come back for more. And it's way fun to run it. 😁 .
Sounds like my Stampede, but in 1/8th flavor! I like it! The Gold and Blue one.. next year..
The Noto is a bit more robust than the Stampede. 😁 .
Can’t wait to see that beast when she’s finished. Nice build! Merry Christmas and happy belated birthday!
You will love the 6s platform :cool: .
When i would take the Tmaxx out, I always liked the bigger size, but hated lugging out all the nitro crap. I suffer migraines from a TBI.. so i also never feel like smelling nitro..
I'd always set my fuel down somewhere, and start driving down a trail.. only to be jogging back for a refuel lol.
The stampede could be a bit bigger.. it bounces around alot in tough areas on the beach. I think we planted a seed today lol Maybe this will happen sooner 🤭🤔
I was not expecting these today! The Rocket fans were supposed to be here Thursday but for some reason the delivery guy marked it undeliverable.. guess it's hard to find my house.. 1 of 3 on the street cul de sac.. big numbers on house and mailbox.. anyhoo.. should be redelivering today which is nice.. i can get the electronics all buttoned up before I reassemble the the front and rear.
