Typhon Arrma Typhon vs Team Durango DEX8

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Minnesota, USA
Arrma RC's
  1. Kraton 6s
  2. Senton 6s
  3. Typhon 6s
I currently have a Senton and am in the market for a buggy. I am thinking that I might stay with Arrma because my Senton has been very reliable the couple of months that I have had it. My question is that the Typhon is basically a RTR Team Durango DEX8, correct? I am wondering what is all different and what is all better on the DEX8 from the Typhon? I would assume that something has to be better on the DEX8 since it is more expensive for the kit while missing the radio, motor, ESC and the wheels versus the RTR Typhon.
Biggest difference is materials. DEX8 gets a higher grade aluminum for chassis and shock towers, and they are milled to reduce weight. So stronger and lighter. Also, DEX8 has a proper sliding motor mount. Better quality shock, I think. Ti for turnbuckles. U-joints at diffs for center driveshafts. Probably a few other changes.
Biggest difference is materials. DEX8 gets a higher grade aluminum for chassis and shock towers, and they are milled to reduce weight. So stronger and lighter. Also, DEX8 has a proper sliding motor mount. Better quality shock, I think. Ti for turnbuckles. U-joints at diffs for center driveshafts. Probably a few other changes.
Do you know if those parts that are made of titanium and better quality aluminum can be used on the Typhon or are they specific and only fit the DEX8?
Durango to Arrma.webp
Just to throw in my 2 cents. Where the typhon is a close relative of the dex 8, the dex 8 is a close copy of the mugen mbx7. Ive confirmed this a few days ago. The hubs and control arms are nearly identical to my typhons. Made the guy at the track happy because he has trouble finding mugen parts. The only difference i noticed was the front top control arms are only slightly cosmetically different. Id bet they would bolt right up though
Does anyone know if it is possible to use the DEX8 center driveshafts on a Typhon?
It is time to replace the rear input cup on the Typhon so I was thinking it might be possible to replace stock input cup (AR310432) and rear center driveshaft (AR310470) with the DEX8 rear center driveshaft (TD210050).
Thank You Jerry-rigged!
Yes, again, thank you Jerry-rigged

Same question here...Has anyone here tried it yet?