Badlands vs. Trenchers 2.8 granite blx

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Arrma RC's
  1. Granite
Anyone have experience with both? We usually run on gravel, grass, and sometimes a motorcycle track. Looking for something that will hook up better than the stock. Thanks for your input guys
The trenchers are bad ass and look super gnarly compared to the dboots. They hook so much better than stock that I had to re-adjust my slipper. They are somewhat prone to ballooning but that has not really been an issue on my rig which is an over geared 2s setup good for just shy of 50mph. Not sure why, but my car is noticeably faster through grass with them. PN 1170-12 in all 4 corners gets you very close to the stock offset.

Sorry, I have not tried the badlands but did consider them as well.
Thanks for the info. Still kind of new to this so what is the off set mean?

Ok after doing some research (Google lol) I found out what offset means.
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That is the distance from the mating surface of the rim to its centerline. The trenchers are pretty much the same width as stock so matching the offset means the track, or overall width of the vehicle, does not change.

Right on man good info. So when I look for tires I'll have to watch for the offset so as not to buy something that will rub on anything or hit the body correct?
That's right. The bad news is proline does not list offset for their wheels or even know what it is for their products if you call them. :confused: They only list applications and Arrma is not included. The good news is this community is smart enough to figure it out without their help.
Lol I agree. This forum has helped me out so much. Love the fact that you can get more than just one opinion.
I use the badlands off my stampede great tire on both I use traxxas front offset. on rear and front of granite if ordering pre mounted