BLX200 doubts

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Just in case anyone was wondering, the BLX200 is made by Hobbywing...
This set-up is going in my Kraton.
I got one in my Kraton,only thing i don't like is you can't run a 5s battery as there is no nimh setting.
.... I am wondering a little, my Nero Big Rock has not the same ESC. It is looking like yours, but i have no holes for screws in the bottom.
I found a tip from a german guy which explained to fix the esc with a plate from below. Afterwards i took the esc out, but there was no holes to fix the plate. so I fixed it again with 3M glue tape
also the cable from the power switch is just black.
....stange thing....
I got one in my Kraton,only thing i don't like is you can't run a 5s battery as there is no nimh setting.
I only plan on running 4S and 6S in it. I have a couple 5S, but not enough capacity.

.... I am wondering a little, my Nero Big Rock has not the same ESC. It is looking like yours, but i have no holes for screws in the bottom.
I found a tip from a german guy which explained to fix the esc with a plate from below. Afterwards i took the esc out, but there was no holes to fix the plate. so I fixed it again with 3M glue tape
also the cable from the power switch is just black.
....stange thing....
? It should look just like this one? Maybe they changed something, but I haven't seen one yet in my local hobby store.
Yes, it should look like your ones. I expected that also when I dismounted my ESC.
I have also not the sign from hobbywing on the bottom. I can't make from the bottom, cause when I dismount again I will damage my foam layer. But i had made one from the top. Sorry for the bad quality...

I think the BLX200 is designed for arrma ans has also an different firmware on it.
The original Hobbywing will give you much more options of settings.
Yea, thats would be nice! But I heard noting about that option till yet.
Does anybody tried out the xerun program card on a BLX200?
My different prog cards (no hobby wing) not working with the BLX200.
Also the BLX has no connector, like usb, for any "updates" or is that working with the receiver plug?
I never had such modern esc´s in the past, just cheeper ones. ;)

I must not have the right program card...o_O
I have to correct my claims.
My ESC does HAVE the holes from the bottom! The foam hat a glue on top which made the illusion that the bottom is just one surface without holes or the Hobby Wing sign. That was wrong! My ESC become loosen yesterday after "Snowfun" and I put them out to fix it again.
Than I could see that there was glue which was looking like a flat bottom.
Anyway, yesterday I made an mounting plate from aluminum which allows me to desamble without gluing every time and also it keeps a little temperature away from the ESC. I have made an kind of cooling surface from the bottom which allows airflow below the plate.
Sorry, on the pic it is just the biggest channel visible.

