Typhon Bodies for Typhon

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Arrma RC's
I see that the Arrma Typhon body (which I REALLY like) is out of stock everywhere. Anyone know what other bodies will fit the Typhon well?

Proline preferred...but will look at any brand...
Thanks, @WoodiE. I LOVE the Typhon body shape, but I want a unique paint job. At my track there are a handful of us that race Typhons and they all look the same. I'm trying to go custom with my colors! :)
why don't you use rc nitro gas and remove the paint and paint it yourself. that's what I did to mine
why don't you use rc nitro gas and remove the paint and paint it yourself. that's what I did to mine

Does that work??!!! Can you post picture? Last time i tried to remove paint from lexan body, the body was ruined (I forgot what solved I used, but it messed up the body something fierce.)

Does that work??!!! Can you post picture? Last time i tried to remove paint from lexan body, the body was ruined (I forgot what solved I used, but it messed up the body something fierce.)

look at my icon pic it didn't come candy blue and smoke

Pic when i first painted it. It didnt look right with white white rims
It looks a lot better with bright green wheels
Very cool, I may have to wash my body too! Did you do a quick splash, or let it soak?
I used a green scrubby sponge and let it soak for a sec and then scru b with the green side of the sponge it took me about an hour to do the typhon and an hour and a half for my kraton body. Just go slow and work your way out
I had to try... =)

I used carb cleaner and a toothbrush. It even cleaned off the shoegoo... =)


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Can the 6s body fit a 3s?
The 2 bodies aren't the same or interchangeable.
I guess you could modify and cut up the 6s body to fit on the 3s but it's about an inch wider so the 3s body would be too narrow to fit the 6s platform.
I see that the Arrma Typhon body (which I REALLY like) is out of stock everywhere. Anyone know what other bodies will fit the Typhon well?

Proline preferred...but will look at any brand...
Check out deltaplastikusa.com you won't be disappointed.
Check out deltaplastikusa.com you won't be disappointed.
Although I've edited it, the email address I sent you was wrong. It should be deltaplastikusa.com
Last edited:
Check out deltaplastikusa.com you won't be disappointed.

Although I've edited it, the email address I sent you was wrong. It should be deltaplastikusa.com
I don’t see any typhon bodies...what do you recommend?
I have unbreakable typhon body in black with green decals - tomorrow I will find it in my “RC storage” just to show the idea
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