DX3's AVC knob and replicating advanced AVC settings with the Radiomaster MT12

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Jeez Louise, I just saw more activity here and started at the beginning again and re-read all of it. And the deal is officially sealed. There will be no RadioMaster in my future! šŸ˜‚
I just finished learning how to program my 1979 Panasonic VCR yesterday. Been working on it since 1980. And now I find out you canā€™t get PBS on UHF anymore!?!? Guess Iā€™ll have to check out this whole ā€œcableā€ thing nowā€¦
Jeez Louise, I just saw more activity here and started at the beginning again and re-read all of it. And the deal is officially sealed. There will be no RadioMaster in my future! šŸ˜‚

I just finished learning how to program my 1979 Panasonic VCR yesterday. Been working on it since 1980. And now I find out you canā€™t get PBS on UHF anymore!?!? Guess Iā€™ll have to check out this whole ā€œcableā€ thing nowā€¦
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NOW That's Vintage!

At least that VCR still works..!!
They sure don't make electronics like that use to...
NOW That's Vintage!

At least that VCR still works..!!
They sure don't make electronics like that use to...
I was just joking. Because nobody could figure out how to program those either. I sure couldnā€™t! One came with a house I rented in the ā€˜80ā€™s. I could play tapes ok, but if you wanted to record something off televisionā€¦forget it!
I just gave it a shot and followed your instructions above.
Looking good. The TX outputs behave as you have shown in your videos, I can see the gain adjustments for both steering and throttle work nicely with my Vorteks in a first test and n

Thank you for posting the YML file, but can you tell us how to upload it onto my MT12? Can I copy it into my MT12 when plugged as a USB?
Thank you for posting the YML file, but can you tell us how to upload it onto my MT12? Can I copy it into my MT12 when plugged as a USB?
Best way would be to download the latest companion build (see my post), import the yml file there, review the settings and upload it to the radio. Copying it directly to the radio via USB into the model folder should work as well but depending on the other models you already have there it might interfere with one of them.

Why? I'm not sure if the radio stores them by model number - my yml is the first model so if there are 2 in the radio there might be a conflict. If that happens then it might work if you copy your first model to a different slot, free up the first slot/model number and then copy my yml into the model folder.
Before you do anything. Always backup your radio. Copy the entire SD card, zip it up, and keep it somewhere safe.
Wanted to give an update around the MT12 <> Spektrum compatibility after trying the same with another TX and Car:

I have 2x MT12 and 2x Arrma Vorteks with SR6200A receivers. The first one (EdgeTX v2.10.5 with MM v1.3.4.0) which I used to build the model (posted earlier) connected after a few tries and works although Telemetry comes and goes all the time.

The 2nd MT12 which just arrived this week (same SW version as the other) and another Vorteks connect when binding.
Telemetry comes up, drops and never comes back up again and when I cycle the power on the receiver the receiver goes back into binding mode directly which prevents it from working. I have yet to figure out how to get the connection up reliably. Something is not full working yet with the multi module and the surface spectrum receivers (at least the SR6200A) it seems (or my 2nd radio has an issue....)
Maybe this is getting a but off topic. Mine connects and stays connected fine, but telemetry cuts in and out. Standing directly next to the receiver is definitely really bad - essentially no telemetry. Stepping back, it cuts in and out. It seems to be better if I hold the antenna with my hand. Given that, I thought maybe transmit power is overwhelming the telemetry signal from the receiver and that it would be better if I'm farther away too, but maybe I never got far enough away to make much of a difference.
Yes, telemetry is an issue (I disabled the alarm).
Update to my earlier post: I tried different versions of the MM FW and got it to bind with version of the Multi Module FW.
It even works now if I select the [01] receiver number which with the other FW versions resulted in no connection at all.
Maybe this helps someone running into the same issue.
Back to the main topic:

I used the opportunity to upload the model config (.yml) to the new radio to test it out.
It worked fine with one exception: the global variables (Pri and irP) assigned as weight and offset in the mix somehow are not carried over.

So, if you import my .yml into your radio, go to the mixes screen screen, look for the 2nd Steering entry (the one that is labeled with Pri below)


edit the entry and set the max to Pri and the min to irP as shown below. After that all is operational
