ESC cuts off.....

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Arrma RC's
So today my ESC started cutting off while I was out running it at the time nothing was remotely hot. I went home reset and re-tuned now it goes about 5 feet n stops any ideas?? Would it do that if a battery or the leads going to the batteries weren't making good connections?
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It sounds like the esc is hitting low voltage cut of or lvc.
Check the voltage of your battery if you can or simply try a freshly charged battery.
If it still shuts off then check the plugs on both the esc and the battery and finally check to see if the esc is set to Lipo or NIMH.
Hope this helps.
And yes, you can have these kind of "cut off" because of bad connecting of the battery and also bad soldering of cables / connectors.
I had it also on an Absima Patron with Deans. I changed to 4mm gold plugs and problem was gone.
BUT also it can happen that the voltage of the battery drop down too far while taking amps.-> same result = cut off