European Arrma meeting spring/summer 2016

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Nijmegen, the Netherlands, Europe
Arrma RC's
  1. Mojave
Hello all, :)

I am seriously considering organising a Arrma meet in the area around Nijmegen in the late spring/early summer of 2016...But, since I don't like to do work for nothing, I would like to know who would want to come...What you would expect out of it...And if you would be willing to pay some cash for it...?...o_O

I have options on several nice bashing places...With room to BBQ...and in some cases to sleep...But its al depending on the answers I will be getting on my questions...And on how would be pretty sure they would like to participate...:)

Roughly the idea would be to hold a one, perhaps, 2 day meet...With a lot of bashing...Exchange of tips...Showing off cars and gear...Good food and drink...Maybe some kind of market thingy...

With a max 3 hours drive the Nijmegen area is reachable from, Danmark, Belgie, Deutschland, Northern France...And off course, depending on your driving style...(No, I will not be paying speeding tickets :p)...

Suggestions are welcome...People who want to come, are required to get this thing going...:D


aka Aflan
@WoodiE ...Always a place at this Inn if you want it...Just wondering how you would get an RC Car in the plane without it being stripped, thrashed or otherwise violated...;)
And you could bring me a couple of those fancy body plugs thingies I want from another thread...:D
I'm still just in plans of buying an Arrma car but it sounds fun! I will certainly try to make it.