Fazon off road basher?

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Arrma RC's
Is the Fazon any good as an off road basher? It's labeled as on road, but I really like it's over all appearance and would love to own one. But I know I won't keep it on the road if I do. If it's not, would it take much to get it to that point, or should I just avoid it?
The Fazon has the same base like the Nero or Big Rock. Same chassis!
BUT it has also the same weight! OK, the BR has a little more because of its heavier body.
Do you really sure that you want to bash more than 6 Kg?
The most guys here in the forum are running the Kraton for bashing but also some do that with the Nero-Family.
(Nero blue, green/ Big Rock / Fazon)

From my point of view... The Nero / Fazon is too heavy for hard bashing. I have the BR and my girlfriend the Nero blue.
We drive off road and sometimes the landings are really bad but not hard bashing.

On the other hand..... It makes a lot of fun! ;)
With some cheap upgrades it won't break easily. But I got mine for 300 so I would just pick up one of Arrma's other 8th scales if you want immediate results. It is a great truck though. I bash mine hard for it's weight so it is very doable.
Hmm, i hadn't considered the weight. It was mostly just atracted to it's Diff Brain and cantilever suspension and liked it the best astheticly among the options that have them. I probobly won't get it very soon.Still want to get a Typhon, first.
Hmm, i hadn't considered the weight. It was mostly just atracted to it's Diff Brain and cantilever suspension and liked it the best astheticly among the options that have them. I probobly won't get it very soon.Still want to get a Typhon, first.
Maybe around Christmas they'll have a sale
... OK ... What means hard bashing?...
If I see the some guys are pushing their cars 3m high and 5m wide ( ore more in each dimensions ;) )
I don´t do that. But I think it will be one point to think about. An Kraton is easier to maintain and much lighter.
And if 7Kg smash against something, some more parts will break. I have no Kraton bus other off road 1:10 and 1:18.
With the 1:18 I have less damages and the broken parts increase with the weight of the car.
On the other hand... the Nero BR is impressive stable and if I see which parts was brocken in his time... It was not much.
Is the Fazon any good as an off road basher? It's labeled as on road, but I really like it's over all appearance and would love to own one. But I know I won't keep it on the road if I do. If it's not, would it take much to get it to that point, or should I just avoid it?
Watch videos on Arrma website and YouTube. That might help you decide.
I'm looking at the Outcast for abuse... simple platform, 6s (extreme for launching) and from the videos i've watched,this 'truck' takes a BEATING! Fazon seems better kept closer to terra firma. My2c.