First post. First Arrma. The Fazon.

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Greetings fellow Arrma owners! I just got my first one and it's a doozy. I got the Fazon! What an awesome looking machine this is. I love everything about the way it looks. It looks like it's doing 100 mph sitting still.

It arrived on Wednesday and we all went "Ooooh and Ahhh" over it at work while I waited on batteries to arrive. Thursday night, I soldered the included XT90s onto my new packs. After charging, I went outside for a little run down the driveway in Blast mode.

It was dark so I went slow so I could trim it out. Down the driveway, driving straight, good to go! Turned around, gave it the beans, the right front tire ballooned and it immediately spun out. Didn't expect that! Brought it back to me and attempted another go. One tire ballooned and it spun out again. This can't be right.

Back on the bench, cycled through the diff settings. Got to crawler mode and noticed the front left wheel was spinning freely. The pin that connects the axle to the diff output had sheared. Less than 30 seconds of running and my night was over. Never left the driveway. Didn't even get to try a different diff mode. It was below freezing that night. I figured Cold + 6S power + massive traction = sheared pin.

Friday morning, emailed Arrma support, told them what happened. Got a response a few hours later saying they shipped me part #AR310458. Great news! Until I figured out that the part number was for an Outcast dogbone. Emailed them back. Told them the part number I needed. Haven't heard back.

Off to the LHS on my lunchbreak. They had 10 packs of pins. I bought two packs. Installed one at the LHS and went for a 5 minute spin in their parking lot. Man, this thing rips! Didn't get to drive anymore yesterday. Too dark and too cold. 16 degrees. Brrr. Spent the evening figuring out how to make the Diff Brain work with Spektrum. I got it working great, but that's a story for another time. This one is long enough as it is.

This morning, batteries charged. Time to see what this thing can do. HOLY SWEET JEEBUS! Ok. I love it. It hauls serious booty yet does not feel too fast for my street. The sound it makes is absolutely amazing. Those tires howl like a banshee. It sounds mean! I ripped it up and down the road for a while then hit the yard. Roostertails everywhere. This is a hoot!

A couple more passes around the yard and it shut down. I checked temps. It was warm but not even close to hot. The ESC never powered up again. I pulled the cover off the RX and checked the wiring and plugs. All good in there. I grabbed a flashlight and checked the servo leads around the gearing. All good. Finally, I noticed that the wires on the fan plug were pulled very tightly behind one of the motor leads. I pulled the motor lead and found the fan wire had been pinched in the bullet connector. I believe this shorted while I was running and killed the ESC. I have been unable to get it to power up ever since.

Another email to Arrma, with a picture this time.

So that's my story with the Fazon so far. One day of looking at it followed by two days of disappointment with a grand total of about 20 minutes run time.

30 years in this hobby. Long time HPI fan. Looking for something new since their demise. I really want to love this truck... car... thing but it has been a bit disappointing so far.

TLDR: Fazon kaput.


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Hey man. Sorry to hear about your troubles, but all I can say is stick with it. Trust me when I say I have had my fair share of issues with my Nero. But once you get it all buttoned down, they are a blast. Hang in there.
Not giving up yet. I want more of this!

Just a QC issue. They happen. As long as Arrma takes care of it, I'm good. I've got a Mamba Monster X in my Yeti XL. It might get robbed for tomorrow. It's supposed to be 50 degrees after 2 days of below freezing temps and I've got spare pins now.


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Not giving up yet. I want more of this!

Just a QC issue. They happen. As long as Arrma takes care of it, I'm good. I've got a Mamba Monster X in my Yeti XL. It might get robbed for tomorrow. It's supposed to be 50 degrees after 2 days of below freezing temps and I've got spare pins now.
Give the MMX a shot I say. I have it currently, as does another member on here. I would check the settings once installed and maybe adjust some things, but it should run that stock motor just fine.
If you happen to change motors, make sure you watch the kv rating as the nero/ fazon are heavy trucks. I have a post open, MMX installed!!, telling about some of my issues currently. But all in all I like the MMX esc.
Hey Metal - Did you buy this from Tower Hobbies by chance? They will replace it within 30 days if so. They are fantastic customer service wise. Sorry to hear about what happened.
Nice collection! What wheels/ tires on on your Nero?!
Good to know. I have the MMX set for pretty easy running in the Yeti XL. Heavy on the punch control so it doesn't rip the thing apart and I've never run that one on 6S. I'll leave the motors as they are and maybe stick with 4S for a while. 2000KV was more than enough for me in the Fazon but 6S was incredibly fun today. I've got to have more of that.

I love the sound of the tires at high speed. It's an amazing sounding truck. My GF even commented that it didn't whine and sounded cool. It's the perfect speed for my street too. I felt completely at ease while ripping it down the road today, wide open, tires ballooning and screaming. Man, I love it.

I did get it from Tower (with a $95 club coupon!) so yeah, I'm not concerned. They have taken care of me better than most local shops. Absolutely wonderful service. That is a nice collection of Arrma's there. I have looked at many over the years. This one did it for me.

I also have a Vorza with the 2650KV MM2 combo. I rarely run it on 6S but when I do... it's such a rush. It also rips tires off the wheels and rarely ends without replacing something, including the motor once. That was a good one. Twisted the front dogbones into pretzels and left 8 foot ruts in the mud. It was awesome! 4S is more than enough for most occasions in that one.
Good to know. I have the MMX set for pretty easy running in the Yeti XL. Heavy on the punch control so it doesn't rip the thing apart and I've never run that one on 6S. I'll leave the motors as they are and maybe stick with 4S for a while. 2000KV was more than enough for me in the Fazon but 6S was incredibly fun today. I've got to have more of that.

I love the sound of the tires at high speed. It's an amazing sounding truck. My GF even commented that it didn't whine and sounded cool. It's the perfect speed for my street too. I felt completely at ease while ripping it down the road today, wide open, tires ballooning and screaming. Man, I love it.

I did get it from Tower (with a $95 club coupon!) so yeah, I'm not concerned. They have taken care of me better than most local shops. Absolutely wonderful service. That is a nice collection of Arrma's there. I have looked at many over the years. This one did it for me.

I also have a Vorza with the 2650KV MM2 combo. I rarely run it on 6S but when I do... it's such a rush. It also rips tires off the wheels and rarely ends without replacing something, including the motor once. That was a good one. Twisted the front dogbones into pretzels and left 8 foot ruts in the mud. It was awesome! 4S is more than enough for most occasions in that one.
I like the MMX combo with the 1515 2200kv motor, but I think its too high a kv rating for such a heavy truck. I just bought a 1550 kv 6 pole motor that I think will suite my purposes much better. All I run is 6s ao its a better fit. I'll have pics/ video up soon, hopefully Friday.
Regardless hopefully tower or Arrma can get you fixed up.

Just put them together and thanks. Axial BF Goodrich tires & Team Associated Rims. Got some SMC racing 150c 7200Mah 2S lipos. Super power but keeping it 4S so the tires don't pop like poppycorn....
I like that combo. Maybe my next one after my trencher 40 wear down.
Good to know. I have the MMX set for pretty easy running in the Yeti XL. Heavy on the punch control so it doesn't rip the thing apart and I've never run that one on 6S. I'll leave the motors as they are and maybe stick with 4S for a while. 2000KV was more than enough for me in the Fazon but 6S was incredibly fun today. I've got to have more of that.

I love the sound of the tires at high speed. It's an amazing sounding truck. My GF even commented that it didn't whine and sounded cool. It's the perfect speed for my street too. I felt completely at ease while ripping it down the road today, wide open, tires ballooning and screaming. Man, I love it.

I did get it from Tower (with a $95 club coupon!) so yeah, I'm not concerned. They have taken care of me better than most local shops. Absolutely wonderful service. That is a nice collection of Arrma's there. I have looked at many over the years. This one did it for me.

I also have a Vorza with the 2650KV MM2 combo. I rarely run it on 6S but when I do... it's such a rush. It also rips tires off the wheels and rarely ends without replacing something, including the motor once. That was a good one. Twisted the front dogbones into pretzels and left 8 foot ruts in the mud. It was awesome! 4S is more than enough for most occasions in that one.
Awesome then - I first read about the fazon on their site of course and in the tech notes - they said that the Fazon comes with the same upgrades as the BigRock. So I ordered right away. Well - turns out it was a typo - Fazon gets the HD Shocks but not the HD UJ links. Well - I complained and they sent me enough HD UJs for TWO Res... IM still in shock dude - they are excellent. Now I have both my Nero and Fazon fully armored out. Throwing the SRC Terrain Crushers on the Kraton V2 tonight - racing a Losi XXL at the Costco Lot at 10pm. Got a Zippy 7000Mah 60c brick 22.2v for this guy ..... gonna be fun... Fazon still has stock pinion in it but the Kraton has one in there....


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I like this forum with the fancy messaging alerts, trophies and whatnot. It's one of the nicer ones I've seen. Good thing too because I'll have an Outcast once this holiday business is over.

I'm going to need a bigger garage.


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Got one for my 10 year old...From Santy I can't open it...whats sad is I actually almost took it jumping with the plan to wash it off and rebox it.....held off...tempting though....
Hes a great student so I threw in a HPI Ken Block RSR Flux 1/8 scale rally car. He has two Ken Block posters and watched Gymkhanna religiously so he will freak....


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Got one for my 10 year old...From Santy I can't open it...whats sad is I actually almost took it jumping with the plan to wash it off and rebox it.....held off...tempting though....
Hes a great student so I threw in a HPI Ken Block RSR Flux 1/8 scale rally car. He has two Ken Block posters and watched Gymkhanna religiously so he will freak....
Ohhh man that would have been epic!!!! You could have used it and said Santa couldn't resist driving it. That's how much fun it is!
I bet I bet - Cant wait to get that in the snow..... Just ordered a set for the Fazon.... So instead of pre opening the outcast - I threw some badlands on the senton and lifted it up. Cut the shell and on 6s the thing is truly crazytown.....nice and planted ...just goes and truly tough like a tank....nice n heavy....


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I bet I bet - Cant wait to get that in the snow..... Just ordered a set for the Fazon.... So instead of pre opening the outcast - I threw some badlands on the senton and lifted it up. Cut the shell and on 6s the thing is truly crazytown.....nice and planted ...just goes and truly tough like a tank....nice n heavy....
Oh sh*t that does look sweet! Pardon my language..
Thanks man - If you have one - its just Badlands and the longer posts from Arrma. Also have to cut the shell for clearance. Highly recommended....
Na my only rc is my Nero. Can't afford another here in CO with rent... And don't have the space for another in an apt. Lol.
I think my next will be a Outcast or a Typhon. I have a full set of electronics to send to Arrma for a fix. So I can biy a roller chassis and use my stock electronics from Arrma....!! Either way I'm stoaked. Get my Nero going then get another. Lol.
I won't post my collection then. It's almost embarrasing. :shame:

So Mamba X with the stock motor and gearing should be fine? Alrighty then! I've seen your log reports of 220 amps with the 2200KV motor but never saw a report on the 2000KV. I would hope that the Fazon's slippy tires will be less demanding than the Nero's grippy tires on this heavy beast.
I won't post my collection then. It's almost embarrasing. :shame:

So Mamba X with the stock motor and gearing should be fine? Alrighty then! I've seen your log reports of 220 amps with the 2200KV motor but never saw a report on the 2000KV. I would hope that the Fazon's slippy tires will be less demanding than the Nero's grippy tires on this heavy beast.
MMX with stock should be fine. There's only one way to find out though. Lol. Trial by fire I guess..
I never ran my MMX with stock motor, my stock setup failed so I went straight for the gusto. Lol. I prob should have done some research first.
Well, now that I have a different ESC in there, it looks like the short took out the diff brain as well. I can hear the servos chatter when I plug the ESC lead into it but it no longer lights up and the ESC will not arm as long as it is passing through it. It works fine without the diff brain in the loop. I know my LHS has brains in stock. I could have a new one tomorrow and ship this one back with the dead ESC, I guess. A spare might be nice.

Man, what a crappy run of luck.