Today was the first time we actually went bashing and found a huge jump maybe 6 feet high and sent some trucks flying. We were using a Kraton v5 6s and a Traxxas Sledge.
The Sledge was more aggressive and would flip much easier. I punched a hole through the body on this one.
The Kraton was more stable and smooth. I broke the spoiler off of this one. Does anyone know where to get the big screws for the spoiler? I may need a base too since the screws are sheered off. Couldn’t find it on Jenny’s rc.
Oh we also were driving a 6s typhon and it couldn’t flip but maybe that’s because the battery was a 3s. Not sure if it SHOULD be jumping and flipping. Also fun.
Lastly, I couldn’t help the thought that maybe a Notorius is in my future. Flipping is fun!
The Sledge was more aggressive and would flip much easier. I punched a hole through the body on this one.
The Kraton was more stable and smooth. I broke the spoiler off of this one. Does anyone know where to get the big screws for the spoiler? I may need a base too since the screws are sheered off. Couldn’t find it on Jenny’s rc.
Oh we also were driving a 6s typhon and it couldn’t flip but maybe that’s because the battery was a 3s. Not sure if it SHOULD be jumping and flipping. Also fun.
Lastly, I couldn’t help the thought that maybe a Notorius is in my future. Flipping is fun!