For Sale / Trade FREE Orginal Box (Mojave 6s) - Orange County / LA pickup

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Huntington Beach
Arrma RC's
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  2. Infraction
  3. Mojave
  4. Outcast 8s
  5. Typhon 3s
Have had very little time for the hobby recently : ( I miss it, and hope to have more time in the future, but I sold my Mojave 6s and Buyer never took the original box / manual. In near perfect shape, opened the rig and box sat on the shelf since.

Free pickup to any box nerds like me who like keeping their crap in good shape. Located in Huntington Beach and Business is in Torrance, either way works. Original Box & Manual

Mods, please let me know if it needs to be posted elsewhere. Thanks!
I would pickup and museum the box in a second...
But you're just a bit far of a commute for me..
That would be quite a drive for a box for sure, but there's no one else I'd rather present it to than you Tex! You've always been super cool to interact with.