General lipo question

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Arrma RC's
  1. Granite
Ok guys I have close to a dozen lipo batteries ranging from 1 cell to 3 cell. I monitor them closely.. I have a 2s while charging the dean's connector gets warm?
Im only charging it at 1c (5000mah 5amp) and I balance charge everytime. Any tips and suggestions are welcome
Just the deans getting warm? Or also the battery or cables?
If just the deans, replace it. Generally I never use deans together with high power setups and only up to 20A.
For example small planes like shockys or park flier.
In the past I had several deans which getting hot and unsoldered by themselves and they was soldered by the battery manufacturer..

All systems which needs more ampere I use plugs with more load capacity.
In case of our Neros I kept the XT90 but if I get problems with them, I´ll switch to XT150 or other big gold plugs.
It is either dirty, corroded, or damaged. Heat is a sign of resistance. A deans connecter in proper working order will not introduce enough resistance at that amperage to heat itself up. Does it get hot in your vehicle too? If so, the problem is likely on the battery side. If not, charger side.

I have personally had good luck with Deans. They are pretty highly regarded around the rc heli community too.
I agree with @Dustin Mustangs, it is either dirty, corroded, damaged, or of a poor quality materiel. I bought some on eBay that came from China on a very slow boat, I used them on an inline wattmeter and noticed that they get very warm despite very short but intense runs.
I replaced the end on the battery and everything is good to go.
I use deans on 6s 60amp and never gets warm when charging, but I never charge at 1c, always half at most.

When running the vehicle on 6s it barely gets the connector a little warm at all and thats if going back to back wot.

Good deal its back to normal.
I replaced the end on the battery and everything is good to go.
Good to hear. One thing I should have mentionned was, if the plug used to work well and degraded over time, a shot of contact cleaner in the plug might have solved the issue. Since the wattmeter happened about a month ago, I was a little too focused on those cheap eBay plugs.