Granite servo upgrade

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I have a Vorteks, the Stadium Truck cousin to your Granite.
I came here asking for the same advice when my servo dumped.
Advice I got was for the Tactic TSX-40.
This servo has replaceable metal gears, the kit runs about $8 and the servo is priced to moved at Tower:

I don't see how you could go wrong with either the Traxxas or the Tactic.
Good luck, post pics and let us know how it goes.
If this is your first time opening up the front section, a small suggestion; put the top lid on first, line up the 4 pins, then put the bottom plate on. It's a "blind fit" and doing in reverse is hit or miss on aligning everything. ;)
I put a savox metal gear in mine, probably overkill.... Was a very tight fit and it takes up some space in the battery box. Good upgrade though.