Big Rock Havoc's Big Rock

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Very Active Member
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Cleveland Ohio
Arrma RC's
  1. Kraton 6s
  2. Nero
I figured I'd make a thread that follows the life of my Big Rock. My videos will likely be NSFW (Language) as I must have been a sailor in a past life.

Today is day 1. It started off by me about to take a video of myself waiting for the mail to come (to see how ridiculous I was acting) and the mail man was actually there haha.

So it came time to unbox. tons of good videos are available, so I made a quick one.

Then it came time to introduce it to the world...

After getting it out, and playing with the different diff modes, I noticed my front diff servo did not work. That was a bummer. I was not detered. I grabbed a fresh set of packs and headed to the park.

I have to say, this thing is a BLAST. The power on this thing is unreal. I really wish it would have stayed together for me. I only got half way through my second set of packs before I was done for the day.

Todays damage report: 2x blown out tires, 1 defective servo, and one broken universal joint.

I contacted Arrma to see if there was anything they could help me with. I only had it for 3 hours lol. I wasn't jumping, doing donuts, or anything really extreme. I even TRIED to keep the tires from balooning. Arrma is replacing everything that broke. that's impressive.

So that was my first day with my Big Rock. I'd like to keep updating this thread with mods and whatnot, versus flooding the forum with a bunch of stuff.

Keep an eye on this thread though, there will be some cool things to come.
The videos will get better once I get a camera, a tripod, and edit the videos on a computer, not my phone. my one handed driving isn't what it used to be either
The videos will get better once I get a camera, a tripod, and edit the videos on a computer, not my phone. my one handed driving isn't what it used to be either
1st run all that damage? I would send back and demand a new one. I have the senton , nero and raton v2 and this week ordered the Fazon & Outcast - Ive never had any problems at all out the box like that....When I get my Fazon & outcast this week - Im definitely doing a once over to make sure to avoid factory BS....

Wait - Senton - I blew out two stock tires on 1st run on 6S - I replaced stockers with Duratrax lockups
1st run all that damage? I would send back and demand a new one. I have the senton , nero and raton v2 and this week ordered the Fazon & Outcast - Ive never had any problems at all out the box like that....When I get my Fazon & outcast this week - Im definitely doing a once over to make sure to avoid factory BS....

Wait - Senton - I blew out two stock tires on 1st run on 6S - I replaced stockers with Duratrax lockups

I'm hoping that I just had a bad tire and axle from the start. I know the front diff servo was bad out of the box. These issues were on a completely stock truck with no jumping, not doing anything crazy (except maybe for the dip in the creek). It's one thing for me to put a 6s system into a 4s vehicle and experience immediate breakage, but this vehicle was designed for this. Heck, I wasn't doing anything any more extreme than in the Arrma promo videos.

if this becomes a trend ($100 of broken parts per hour of run time in damage) I'll be upset, even if Arrma keeps replacing everything for free.

I'm still hopeful, and it's really too soon to tell for me if I got a lemon, or just bad luck.
View attachment 3699

I'm hoping that I just had a bad tire and axle from the start. I know the front diff servo was bad out of the box. These issues were on a completely stock truck with no jumping, not doing anything crazy (except maybe for the dip in the creek). It's one thing for me to put a 6s system into a 4s vehicle and experience immediate breakage, but this vehicle was designed for this. Heck, I wasn't doing anything any more extreme than in the Arrma promo videos.

if this becomes a trend ($100 of broken parts per hour of run time in damage) I'll be upset, even if Arrma keeps replacing everything for free.

I'm still hopeful, and it's really too soon to tell for me if I got a lemon, or just bad luck.
Im sorry - I had the same experience with my 1/8 scale redcat TRMT8e - sent it back and they sent me a new one. Quality Control / QC issues should not rest on the consumer. The onus should be on the company. Arrma has the BEST warrantee in the industry and I would have the rig replaced. Its a few days ad when u get the new one - you will be assured its been QC'd properly.

Just my 2 cents - BTW - those HD UJs are 49$ for two...

Im sorry - I had the same experience with my 1/8 scale redcat TRMT8e - sent it back and they sent me a new one. Quality Control / QC issues should not rest on the consumer. The onus should be on the company. Arrma has the BEST warrantee in the industry and I would have the rig replaced. Its a few days ad when u get the new one - you will be assured its been QC'd properly.

Just my 2 cents - BTW - those HD UJs are 49$ for two...

When I get my Fazon & Outcast -DAY ONE ---- I am filling the diffs and glue ing the tires 1st night. I do this with all of my trucks. Nero, Senton, Kraton v2 my HPI Flux sprint2, etc..
Im sorry - I had the same experience with my 1/8 scale redcat TRMT8e - sent it back and they sent me a new one. Quality Control / QC issues should not rest on the consumer. The onus should be on the company. Arrma has the BEST warrantee in the industry and I would have the rig replaced. Its a few days ad when u get the new one - you will be assured its been
Just my 2 cents - BTW - those HD UJs are 49$ for two...


When I get my Fazon & Outcast -DAY ONE ---- I am filling the diffs and glue ing the tires 1st night. I do this with all of my trucks. Nero, Senton, Kraton v2 my HPI Flux sprint2, etc..
Im sorry - I had the same experience with my 1/8 scale redcat TRMT8e - sent it back and they sent me a new one. Quality Control / QC issues should not rest on the consumer. The onus should be on the company. Arrma has the BEST warrantee in the industry and I would have the rig replaced. Its a few days ad when u get the new one - you will be assured its been QC'd properly.

Just my 2 cents - BTW - those HD UJs are 49$ for two...


When I get my Fazon & Outcast -DAY ONE ---- I am filling the diffs and glue ing the tires 1st night. I do this with all of my trucks. Nero, Senton, Kraton v2 my HPI Flux sprint2, etc..

Im holding off on sending the whole thing back, as Arrma has already sent out the replacement parts. it was no hassle, and pretty impressive.
The downside is that these u-joints are supposed to be the HD from the factory. so if they are and I already broke one, there is no upgrade available from here. the other side of the coin is that the $49 per pair is just for one half of the axle. you get 2 "wheel hub side" units for $49, or 2 "diff side" for $49, meaning it's a $200 upgrade to do the whole truck. axles for my Honda CR-v are $49 lmao.

The things we do for the things we do.
So my first upgrade is on it's way. The sickness is setting in.

I picked up a Blue Bird BLS-H50B
It was a bourbon fueled shopping spree looking for one of the strongest/fastest specd red servos for the money. Red is important, and how I found Arrma in the first place haha. plus the fact it has an O-ring sealed full aluminum case, I should only need to grease up the output shaft for waterproofing.

Here are the specs:
  • Torque At 6.0V: 44.7 kg-cm / 620.8 oz-in
  • Torque At 7.4V: 53.1 kg-cm / 737.6 oz-in
  • Torque At 8.4V: 57.5 kg-cm / 798.7 oz-in
  • Speed At 6.0V: 0.12 sec / 60°
  • Speed At 7.4V: 0.10 sec / 60°
  • Speed At 8.4V: 0.09 sec / 60°
Those specs are amazing for the size and price which seems to be around ~$70. Nothing else comes close to those numbers, not even Holmes. if it comes close to living up to those specs it'll be awesome.
Those specs are amazing for the size and price which seems to be around ~$70. Nothing else comes close to those numbers, not even Holmes. if it comes close to living up to those specs it'll be awesome.
I did some research on the company first. They are China based, and shipping is from Hong Kong, but I didn't come across any negative things across their line. Helicopter and airplane people love them.

I'll keep you guys updated with my experiences with this one.
I did some research on the company first. They are China based, and shipping is from Hong Kong, but I didn't come across any negative things across their line. Helicopter and airplane people love them.

I'll keep you guys updated with my experiences with this one.
Heres what my Bluebird Bls42a looked like after 8 runs,I was using a Caslte 10a bec to power it at 7.4v.Something failed ,either the Caslte sent full voltage or the servo shorted and caused the bec to fail,either way it took out the rx and servo.On the one you bought i heard the gear pin shafts break and jam.
I bought mine at Rcmart,they had me ship it back at my expense,but when they received it they paypaled the freight cost back.After 3 weeks they issued a full refund.Wish i new what failed as i was also looking at the 50b!
Heres what my Bluebird Bls42a looked like after 8 runs,I was using a Caslte 10a bec to power it at 7.4v.Something failed ,either the Caslte sent full voltage or the servo shorted and caused the bec to fail,either way it took out the rx and servo_On the one you bought i heard the gear pin shafts break and jam.
I bought mine at Rcmart,they had me ship it back at my expense,but when they received it they paypaled the freight cost back.After 3 weeks they issued a full refund.Wish i new what failed as i was also looking at the 50b!

Apparently my drunk research skills are not what they used to be haha. I couldn't find anything specific to the 50b.

That sucks man, something definitely fried in there. Is it possible there was water damage?

I was looking into the 42a as well (plenty of good reviews on that one), then stumbled across the 50b.

We'll see.
Apparently my drunk research skills are not what they used to be haha. I couldn't find anything specific to the 50b.

That sucks man, something definitely fried in there. Is it possible there was water damage?

I was looking into the 42a as well (plenty of good reviews on that one), then stumbled across the 50b.

We'll see.
If you have good luck with yours,i'd give it another try!
I know it's frustrating to blow out tires and break parts but it's not all the truck's fault and not necessarily a "bad" tire. The RPM's these rigs generate is ridiculous and when you're getting used to driving them, you can do a lot of damage in a short amount of time. My suggestion would be to adjust your throttle endpoint back to slow the truck down a bit while you're in the "getting to know you" phase and then gradually increase it as you get better at knowing when to ease off the throttle as the nose lifts or you see one tire turn into a pizza cutter as the diff unloads all the power into that corner of the driveline in a hard turn or donut. A 6S RC truck is serious business. Dial it back a couple notches and save yourself some frustration and money. It will still be smiles for miles but you'll have a lot less frustration and out of pocket dollars for parts.
I know it's frustrating to blow out tires and break parts but it's not all the truck's fault and not necessarily a "bad" tire. The RPM's these rigs generate is ridiculous and when you're getting used to driving them, you can do a lot of damage in a short amount of time. My suggestion would be to adjust your throttle endpoint back to slow the truck down a bit while you're in the "getting to know you" phase and then gradually increase it as you get better at knowing when to ease off the throttle as the nose lifts or you see one tire turn into a pizza cutter as the diff unloads all the power into that corner of the driveline in a hard turn or donut. A 6S RC truck is serious business. Dial it back a couple notches and save yourself some frustration and money. It will still be smiles for miles but you'll have a lot less frustration and out of pocket dollars for parts.

I agree with most of that. The Big Rock is new to me, and I still have some learning to do.

[Dusts off soapbox]
my only gripe is if any company sells a vehicle capable of doing this to tires in the blink of an eye, equip the vehicle with tires designed for what the stock vehicle can do.

it's like selling a Bugatti with Honda Civic tires rated at 90mph and claiming driver error when they fail at 150. Heck, does anyone remember the Firestone Tire/ford explorer blowout/roll over problems?

The automotive industry sets the cars speed limit to the speed rating of the tires.

It is not a fair comparison, I understand this.

People don't buy Bugatti's to drive them slowly, and Bugatti doesn't market their vehicles as family sedans. they responsibly equip their vehicles with tires rated at the speeds the car is capable of.

It's RC industry standard to sell you a toy car that breaks. It is my own fault for having the too high expectations. I've been out of RC for a while, living in the manufacturing industry where quality and longevity are top priority. I was hoping things have changed. Motors, batteries, and even the composites the chassis is made of have evolved in the past 15 years, but tire tech has remained the same.

I'm not trying to throw Arrma or any other RC manufacturer under the bus, don't get me wrong. I think overall it's a well designed machine. I just personally feel if you're going to manufacture a 6s 60+mph vehicle marketed to bashers who notoriously love donuts, jumps, and wheelies... at least equip the stock vehicle with parts strong enough to handle the factory equipped power plant under those conditions. if ANY high performance R/C company did that, they'd have my business. I was seriously on the fence between the Big Rock and the Xmaxx. I strictly went Arrma for their lack of drive train issues in comparison.

I don't get mad at breakage if I hit something, or land wrong, or do something dumb... but it is frustrating to have to be extra careful to hit full throttle driving a stock vehicle in a straight line. I don't care if it's 6s lipo or AA powered.

All I'm trying to say, is Arrma is SO close to being the perfect 6s basher, why not go that extra step and be the only manufacturer of 6s RTRs with belted tires, and bulletproof axles so people like myself can get back to focusing on hitting trees, fire hydrants, and landing that 75ft jump wrong.
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