Help with FPV

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I have always wanted to use an fpv
On these rc's
But i don't have any clue which or what to buy
I cant find any complete fpv set up
Like plugged and play
Something i can use easily on any of my rc
I have seen videos of rc running around the beach
And his just watching it on his monitor lol
Anybody have any idea what i should be looking at?
It´s a german shop..
But in the USA you have other limits on transmitter power.

Plug and play will be difficult because you normally need a gimbal
but the shocks i a car are so strong that the most gimbals (copter) will give up.
Also you need a cam which can compensate shocks.
I also played with a cam in a car but it´s not easy to find the right material.
A Gopro is working but the videos are wobbling and not good.
Sony with shock absorbing is also working but much too heavy.
All in all, it will be not cheap to reach you´re target! ;)
Slow for us is fast for the camera.
I tried it on an Axial AX10 crawler. And that car is really not fast.
Test with Gopro without gimbal on my Big Roch was....Nicely expressed...catastrophic.
The video was not usable without become "sick" while watching.
But all is on the camera, you will see.
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Or look in the same shop for fatshark and components.
They have all what you need. Monitor, transmitter, antenna, cam... but not a gimbal which you can use in a car.