How many RC vehicles do you own?

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Arrma RC's
  1. Granite
I think I have started down the road to an addiction lol.I have a blast with my Granite but I see other trucks and I think I want that one or I see something else and say oh man I got to get that. So now Im waiting for Black Friday hoping Towerhobbies will have a awesome sale.
So I am up to 4, 3 quadcopters and my Granite
My Arrma Granite, 4 helis, and a plane. That makes 6. I could see possibly adding a bigger plane but aside from that I am done.
I only have 14 RCs right now: 2 monster trucks (1/10, 1/18), a 1/10 drifter, a 1/24 micro rally car, 2 micro crawlers, a 1/10 rock racer, the Senton, a 400 series help, 2 micro helis, a nano quadcopter, a nano hexacopter, and a BB-8 droid.

In all fairness, though, the micro rally car and one of the micro crawlers are for my son...
- Arrma Mojave BLX
- Arrma Movjave MEGA (converted to brushless)
- Arrma Fury (not operational)

- Graupner Jet Sprint brushless
- Robbe ECO-star brushed (not operational)
- Marblehead vintage M-class sailing yacht (not operational, work in progress)
- Robbe Topcat sailing catamaran (not operational)

- Simprop SE-10 (not operational)
- Hobbico Sturdy Birdy II gas powered (not operational)
- Robbe Ranger converted to 3 channel (was 2,5 channel) brushed gear reduction (not operational)

So, I have some models, but it is a complete mess on my workbench ;)
i have 2 dromida sc and mt arrma kraton, vorteks and a yeti. i also have some micro heli's but looking at getting either the twin hammers or saving and getting the senton.

spin them wheels...
Arrma Fury blx
Team Associated B44
Ofna Hyper 9 electric converted
Tamiya TT01d
Tamiya TT01 type Es
Tamiya TA03f

Plus a mini helicopter, some other micro RC and an Americas Cup Australia II yacht
Granite blx
Ecx ruckus
Scx10 deadbolt
2 indoor helicopters
1 UDI Quad Copter
And more to come, I'm sure of it! (addicted) ;)
Currently at 5, but its almost too much...almost :)

1/16 Traxxas E-Revo, brushed
Arrma Fury BLX
Kyosho Inferno MP9 ReadySet
Axial Yeti kit
Losi XXL2-E

Currently 3

Traxxas E-Revo BL
Arrma Raider XL

Just wait until you get full blown RC'itis then you will wish you were back to just two RC's. :eek:
Currently at 5, but its almost too much...almost :)

1/16 Traxxas E-Revo, brushed
Arrma Fury BLX
Kyosho Inferno MP9 ReadySet
Axial Yeti kit
Losi XXL2-E
what are putting into your yeti? I have one too been dropping all sorts of parts in it, really like the mudsliners and proline faultlines.