Typhon I need help choosing a Typhon 6s or Mojave 4s as my next car

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If you are concerned about price, the Typhon 223S is a better overall value as a 1/8 basher IMO.
Nah, I’d get it if it weren’t for the plastic shocks and the plastic diffs. And the shock tower is weak from what I’ve heard.
I got $150 worth of Amazon gift cards on my birthday so I want to utilize it for the typhon 6s.
Last question, have any of you bent the typhon 6s chassis from huge jumps or smaller impacts?
I jump mine like crazy since the day I got it. Stock, I bent an axle once, and the rear input gear. Axle from clipping a curb and cartwheeling for 30 feet (I was going pretty fast) and the input gear from landing a big jump at full power trying to finish a flip I should have aborted instead. I have done quite a few upgrades with M2C just to help it from breaking, but it's a beast. Recently did the Kraton hub swap to use the MX28 tires and it jumps even better. Here's a clip of my backyard jump.

@Iamgeek0 – I have both trucks and I would say the answer depends on what you're planning to do with this hobby. If you're looking to get deeper into the hobby and learn more about how *most* of the RC's out there work, and you want an easy platform to work on, then the 6s Arrma lineup is a great choice (Typhon included). If you're just looking for a casual driver that you don't have to put a bunch of maintenance into, either the 4s Mojave or the 3s Typhon would work great.

I bought the Typhon 6s TLR Tuned roller as my second truck about four years ago (with the TLR version, you need to purchase and install electronics). My collection has grown to just over a hundred trucks since then. The 6s Typhon was an excellent platform for learning how to tinker/ maintain/ upgrade for me to level up if you're looking to get more serious about the hobby.

Aside from those two options, depending on the size of your trails, I might also consider a 1/10 scale platform. Look at the Vorteks or the Granite. Also, someone mentioned other brands like Team Corally, the Spark B6 or the Syncro. Those are also great options, but since you are new to the Hobby, I'd stick to Arrma for your second rig, simply because you'll be able to get more hands-on technical support from your local hobby shop.
I have both trucks and I would say the answer depends on what you're planning to do with this hobby.
Yeah, I feel like most everyone here downplaying the Mojave doesn’t actually have one and are just going off “specs” rather than real world experience. It’s a fantastic truck.
Yeah, I feel like most everyone here downplaying the Mojave doesn’t actually have one and are just going off “specs” rather than real world experience. It’s a fantastic truck.

I agree. The Mojave 4s is a freakin' beast!

Let me know when a simple ESC swap makes a 4S mojave go 100+mph, or a quick tire/hub change allows it to perform double and triple backflips with ease.

Then I'll give the trash can noises from a tub chassis credit.
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The 4s mojave is a fantastic truck.
The 6s typhon is a fantastic buggy.
The two statements arnt mutually exclusive, it can be both. They fill different needs depending on budget and bashing type.

Because I can already see it in your brain, no, the 4s mojave dosent fill the garbage can niche.
The 4s mojave is a fantastic truck.
The 6s typhon is a fantastic buggy.
The two statements arnt mutually exclusive, it can be both. They fill different needs depending on budget and bashing type.

Because I can already see it in your brain, no, the 4s mojave dosent fill the garbage can niche.

You’d think this would be obvious…. did anyone read the OP? He says he barely does any jumps. Just because something fits one person’s requirements doesn’t mean it’s the only thing another person should buy.
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Let me know when a simple ESC swap makes a 4S mojave go 100+mph, or a quick tire/hub change allows it to perform double and triple backflips with ease.

Then I'll give the trash can noises from a tub chassis credit.

Did you even read the OP? It doesn’t sound like he’s trying to go 100mph or do triple backflips.

Honestly, questioning my honesty rather than the possibility the Mojave 4S is a good truck is pretty insulting. Let me know when you drive one.
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@Iamgeek0 – I have both trucks and I would say the answer depends on what you're planning to do with this hobby. If you're looking to get deeper into the hobby and learn more about how *most* of the RC's out there work, and you want an easy platform to work on, then the 6s Arrma lineup is a great choice (Typhon included). If you're just looking for a casual driver that you don't have to put a bunch of maintenance into, either the 4s Mojave or the 3s Typhon would work great.

I bought the Typhon 6s TLR Tuned roller as my second truck about four years ago (with the TLR version, you need to purchase and install electronics). My collection has grown to just over a hundred trucks since then. The 6s Typhon was an excellent platform for learning how to tinker/ maintain/ upgrade for me to level up if you're looking to get more serious about the hobby.

Aside from those two options, depending on the size of your trails, I might also consider a 1/10 scale platform. Look at the Vorteks or the Granite. Also, someone mentioned other brands like Team Corally, the Spark B6 or the Syncro. Those are also great options, but since you are new to the Hobby, I'd stick to Arrma for your second rig, simply because you'll be able to get more hands-on technical support from your local hobby shop.
For the most part, I'll be choosing a Typhon 6S as my next RC as it seems to do well in mixed on/off-road conditions and its handling will be better and noticeable than an SCT. I've heard multiple things about this buggy being extremely durable with its metal chassis, shocks, shock towers, etc. There will be exceptions but for me, it looks better, handles better, and will do practically what I want. Maintenance won't be an issue as from what I've seen, it's quite easy to pull a diff or CVD out.
Now ground clearance won't be much of an issue as I've been driving my Typhon Grom BLX, and I know how to deal with compromises in ground clearance with stock tires. I know how it drives and it does an awesome job of making me have fun.

But I won't still give up on a Mojave 4S (unless a Typhon 6S V6 is out). The Mojave is incredibly durable and the body does well to cover electronics and protect shock towers and whatever structural thing it has. I won't care that it has a plastic chassis as the only thing I'll be doing is bashing. A typhon 3s isn't really what I want since it has plastic shocks and I HATED THOSE on my typhon grom mega 380. And for the most part, once I finish getting what I want on it, it will cost the same as a typhon 6s.

The Team Corally cars look nice and all, but I've never really known much about them. What I do know is that they usually upgrade parts that would normally be plastic on other cars to be metal. But yeah.

I'll get a Typhon 6S by February to see if they release a typhon V6, otherwise ill just get the Typhon 6S V5 or the Mojave.
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don't rule out corally completely. They are a big name in the EU and just made a splash in the US with a few more recently added retailers.
Any way you go, you wont be let down!
In no way will I ever rule them out. My LHS does sell some Kagama's and Syncros and I believe they have some spare parts.
Oh and How is your experience with plastic shocks from Corally vs Arrma?
don't own any corally, but the people that do have positive things to say. Their forum seems friendly, although small. I have corally tires if that counts :p
The 3s arrma plastic shocks arnt bad - they work as expected but arnt terribly durable if you bash hard. Older versions did have leaking issues. The 6s shocks are great, there no reason to upgrade them. The 4s shocks are good too, they just don't have the creature comforts like threaded bodies or bleed holes.
Understood, maybe take a *ponder and think about your tunnel vision way back when you first picked up the hobby…

What’s more capable as a first big boy RC of being dynamic and not a one trick pony? Like why would I limit myself to the maximum ability of a plastic chassis, you know first hand the limits of the Maxx/slash after all of the wasted time with that by now,

Apologies on the missing quote, IOS isn’t cooperating tonight.
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Understood, maybe take a *ponder and think about your tunnel vision way back when you first picked up the hobby…

What’s more capable as a first big boy RC of being dynamic and not a one trick pony? Like why would I limit myself to the maximum ability of a plastic chassis, you know first hand the limits of the Maxx/slash after all of the wasted time with that by now,

Apologies on the missing quote, IOS isn’t cooperating tonight.

I already ponder about RC cars more than like 99% of the population. There's a reason I review basically everything and give advice on every type of car, maybe ponder why I do that even though I already own like 10 6S cars. The answer to every question ISN'T "get an Arrma 6S". :unsure:

FTR, I started with a Stampede 4x4 VXL and still think it's a great beginner truck. I attribute a large part of my driving ability to actually learning how to drive cars first rather than buying a 6S car out of the gate and having basically no control like you see in 95% of YouTube videos. And then thinking the problem is the car sucks (when it's really the driver).

I wasted a lot of time with the Maxx Slash because I want to know as much as I can about every car out there. And most people making videos don't have the capability to figure it out.
I already ponder about RC cars more than like 99% of the population. There's a reason I review basically everything and give advice on every type of car, maybe ponder why I do that even though I already own like 10 6S cars. The answer to every question ISN'T "get an Arrma 6S". :unsure:

FTR, I started with a Stampede 4x4 VXL and still think it's a great beginner truck. I attribute a large part of my driving ability to actually learning how to drive cars first rather than buying a 6S car out of the gate and having basically no control like you see in 95% of YouTube videos. And then thinking the problem is the car sucks (when it's really the driver).

I wasted a lot of time with the Maxx Slash because I want to know as much as I can about every car out there. And most people making videos don't have the capability to figure it out.


Pot meet kettle here, photo literally reflects my first big boy RC. I don’t know anything else but 6S 😔

I guess I’m really the one with tunnel vision…
I really love my 6s Typhons. If you run mainly on asphalt I would go with the Typhon. They are so much fun in parking lots, and run great on 4s. Mojaves are awesome in dirt so I guess it depends where you want to spend most of your time.
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Pot meet kettle here, photo literally reflects my first big boy RC. I don’t know anything else but 6S 😔

I guess I’m really the one with tunnel vision…

That’s an awesome pic! Love the lawn chair in the middle of a snowfall, hehehe.