Is this combo a good upgrade for Arrma Granite BLS

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Well u could never do 3s in it...don't know if you were wanting to do that...not really an upgrade...the bls also has an 80a esc and has a higher kv motor... youll probably lose speed and only be able to get it back by adding a larger pinion....honestly would for an upgrade look at the hobbywing 120a esc and a 4pole 33kv~38kv depending on battery you choose (2s or 3s) and the surface your driving on mostly.
Thanks Darren, i´ve been using my granite for a short period of time, almost a month, and there´s always a chance that the motor or the ESC could fail, so I have to have a replacement, just in case. Then I thought, what about an upgrade?. I don´t want to spend a lot of money, so I look that brand, cheap but not that bad, as I read some comments.
The surface will be a mix between off road and street (love skateparks). I would like to try 3s and see how it runs in two wheels, I can´t make it right now. If I want an upgrade what would you suggest?.

Cool thing with arrma is u can get a replacemnt for 2 years.... so i would get the upgrade.... would for sure get a 120a esc...

either castle (around 100 but they will fix for some cash if it breaks) or hobbywing (about 60 bucks but doeant have real warrenty, have seen a few people get replacemnts tho for certian reasons) not gonna get the china escs anymore, they suck very hard.

Then get a 4pole brushless 550 motor
The real choice is in kv
You can go lower like 3400 (with this truck i would stay away from 2000-2999kv anything) abd with stock granite gearing expect to go 40-45 (on street) on 3s, but youll have a nice helping of torque. Or you can do 3800kv and go about 50-55mph (on street) but only have a limitited amount of punch

Honestly if i were to make my granite over a 120a hobbywing a 36kv brushless and some heatsink and fan would make the truck very vesitile and fun.

My year old 3s granite is just as fast as the new stock 6s talion. Raced yesterday was beat by a rc car legnth
Thanks man!!. Nice info about what to choose. Wow, your Granite is fast, I´ve seen some Talion videos and they´re really fast. It´s cool that your car can keep the pace against it. Gonna look for an ESC and motor with the specs that you suggested.

Thanks Darren!!.

Just an update. I was asking for a motor and esc combo just in case. Lucky me!!!, the stock motor got burned last sunday!!!. I called Arrma to apply the warranty, they will send me a new motor. Lesson learned so I bought a Hobbyking combo 4250 kv 4 pole motor 80A ESC. Have to wait until the gear arrives and give it a try.