Kraton Kraton cracking noise when I brake

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Arrma RC's
  1. Nero
Hey crew, I went out for a fun bashing session yesterday and I noticed that my kraton started making a loud cracking noise only when I would hit the break. Other than that I don't hear it at all. What can it be? This isn't the regular braking noise you hear. This is loud like something is broken. But the car runs great and nothing else seems to be an issue. It also brakes fine just with that loud noise.
I found that my front gearbox was cracked when this happened to me.
since it is only under braking, it is most likely the front half of the drive trian. My best suggestion is to start by looking at every nook and cranny, with a small flashlight to see if anything looks odd. Then start taking it apart until you find it. You may also want to look at the HUBs to see if any of the bearings have failed.
My best guess is the front diff had stripped on you. The teeth may look okay on initial inspection, but make sure they haven't been stripped down and are still sharp.
My kraton is doing the same exact thing on hard brake? You ever find out what’s causing the issue?
Some time after I made the post above, I had this problem too. It was a cracked gear box, that was allowing the differential to move inside the gear box. This allowed the Spur gear, to separate from the Crown gear. I think I go those name right. But it's the big gear that screws onto the diff cup, and the little gear on the other end of the drive shaft.
My son's Kraton had the POPPOPOOPOOPPOP when braking too.. after disassembly, I found the front diff pinion very worn. His diffs had never been shimmed, so I shimmed it tight, and ordered the new parts. The extra shims lasted another bash session or two, then it started popping again. But, Amazon prime 2-day shipping FTW. After the new gears were installed (crown and pinion) we shimmed it tight, and I don't expect to need to touch it again for another year or two. :)
I know this is an old thread but to add my experience of similar issue in the same place for any future souls looking for answers.
Symptom: nasty clicking noise under braking
After going all over the car I eventually found that a worn front input pinion was sometimes locking against the crown gear under braking - worked fine for acceleration. With the car on the stand holding both front wheels and turning them I could sometimes get it to "lock" and need more force to go past a certain point at which point it sends a shock down the dogbones which bang and make the clicking. The issue seemed to only occur when the wheels were trying to drive forward to turn the motor (as happens when braking), when the motor is the driving force no issue. In the car the damage couldn't be seen against the bearing, wasn't until I took it out that it became obvious.
