Kraton kraton v2 ESC programming with card

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I can verify that the ESC does program with the Hobbywing program card but with limited settings
it can do 5 setting:
  1. Running mode - all values work.

  2. Drag brake force -was set to number 4 -20%, left it there, I believe all values should work here.

  3. Cut off threshold - only 3 values worked and the best i could set it for was number 3 -2.8v per cell. That was a disappointment!

  4. Start mode (punch) only 2 values worked - number 1 and number 2 so i set it for number 2.

  5. Brake force -was set to number 2 (50 %) so i left it alone .see no reason all values shouldn't work.
That's all i have time for today, still haven't got a run in. I assume the ESC was set to LiPo as the truck did run and power up. If anyone has had better results please share!
Just FYI. I don't think you can use the values written on the Hobbywing card. The below table is in the manual as well. I believe these are the item numbers and values you will want to follow. (**Important**)

yeah i found that out . the card is pretty useless . i did a factory reset then i got my punch setting up to number 5 and stopped there . i hate setting esc`s by the beep . i could only get to number 5 then i got sent back to the start at number one and done that a few times until i left it at 5 .
so confusing , thats why i like card programmers .

someone needs to make a video . unless you can explain it better then the manual . i would wait for the beeps .1 beep ,then hit the button , 2 beeps ,hit the button , 3 beeps hit the button ,4 beeps ,until i got to 5 then it started me over at 1 . ( gave a long beep) someone said the long beep is 5 ,then you keep going .........wth?
On another note , turn your drag brake off. It only helps create more heat and is mostly used when racing. I usually run with this off unless I am at a track and it is needed. Bashing I have always turned that off. The esc is helping the car brake when it is on and creating more heat. Just my opinion but I recommend turning it off.
Agreed with no drag brake. Also drag brake can make you jump nose down.

Also - the card still works flawlessly - you just need to follow the chart I posted and in the manual with the card. Make sense?
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Agreed with no drag brake. Also drag brake can make you jump nose down.

Also - the card still works flawlessly - you just need to follow the chart I posted and in the manual with the card. Make sense?
nope , the card doesn't work flawlessly ,its seriously limited compared to what you can do manually . i posted its limits in my thread about the card
nope , the card doesn't work flawlessly ,its seriously limited compared to what you can do manually . i posted its limits in my thread about the card
Am I missing something here? Lol - the picture I posted above - if you follow 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 with the card, it's the exact same as manually doing it but much much easier. What am I missing? Lol. Pretend the Hobbywing card doesn't have a cheat sheet on the front and back of it and pretend the cheat sheet is the picture I posted above. Those are the settings you are changing when you're in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Are there other settings you can change other than the picture I posted above? Because that's how I did it - with the card, but following that picture/screen shot.

If you try to follow the cheat sheet on the Hobbywing card, you're not even changing the settings you think you're changing, but changing the wrong corresponding setting from my picture/the manual.
where did you plug in at ? i plugged into the fan port . there was very limited functions .
punch control was only 2 settings 1 and 2 .
lipo settings were only 3 choices being 2.8 cutoff , there was only 5 programmable settings total .
where did you plug in at ? i plugged into the fan port . there was very limited functions .
punch control was only 2 settings 1 and 2 .
LiPo settings were only 3 choices being 2.8 cutoff , there was only 5 programmable settings total .
Also fan.

I think you're missing the point.

When the Hobbywing card says:

1 = setting 1 lipo, setting 2 Nimh

2 = punch 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. You said setting 2 was for drag brake, but it was really the punch setting. We're not able to adjust drag brake. When it was on 4, it wasn't drag brake setting at 20%, but rather you had it on setting 4 in punch control.

3 = brake strength. Settings 1, 2, 3 respectively. You thought this was the cutoff, but really you were adjusting brake strength. So when you put it on 3, you set your ESC at 50% brake strength.

And so on.

Am I making sense? (I have a feeling a light bulb will go off and you'll be kicking yourself.) :)

All the settings you said aligned with the default settings shown in the manual.

If you don't believe me, try the Hobbywing card in setting 5. Set that to the other value and you'll have changed the motor rotation. Not the brake force like you said in the first post.

Hopefully this is all coming across as me trying to help - because that's honestly what I'm aiming for. :)
Also fan.

I think you're missing the point.

When the Hobbywing card says:

1 = setting 1 LiPo, setting 2 NiMH

2 = punch 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. You said setting 2 was for drag brake, but it was really the punch setting. We're not able to adjust drag brake. When it was on 4, it wasn't drag brake setting at 20%, but rather you had it on setting 4 in punch control.

3 = brake strength. Settings 1, 2, 3 respectively. You thought this was the cutoff, but really you were adjusting brake strength. So when you put it on 3, you set your ESC at 50% brake strength.

And so on.

Am I making sense? (I have a feeling a light bulb will go off and you'll be kicking yourself.) :)

All the settings you said aligned with the default settings shown in the manual.

If you don't believe me, try the Hobbywing card in setting 5. Set that to the other value and you'll have changed the motor rotation. Not the brake force like you said in the first post.

Hopefully this is all coming across as me trying to help - because that's honestly what I'm aiming for. :)
Will give it a try next time I have free time , thanks
stanley you were right ,just now tried as you said and all is fine . thanks .
In other words don't ise the settings on the card. Go by arrma manual. Program card seems ok for $8 if you want a couple quick basic changes. If more save the money and buy a 6 pack.
Exactly what program card are u using?

I am using on my mugen , and i though maby it would work on my new kraton v2, since its both hobbywing?
But when i connect it to the esc it doesn't do or show anything.

Best reguards Rickard

Rickard, you can use the Hobbywing PC2C hobbywing card that is sold on eBay for $8.95-$12 shipped if you look around. The one for the XErun/EZrun ESC's. Its the only one i am aware of working.
It's the same thing with my ESC, LCD Program card is just say connecting... Maybe after a hobbywing database update it will work.