Kraton Kraton wheelies on 4s

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Los Angles
Arrma RC's
  1. Nero
I'm running my Kraton on 4s because my son uses it. Wanted to upgrade the pinion since I hear so much about the stock one being crap. Top speed isn't my thing. I like to jump and wheelie when I'm on the way to a jump ;) I was thinking if I dropped a pinion tooth and went to the 11t tekno with 5mm bore I might get the front wheels up with 4s. Was wondering if anyone knows if this is a straight swap or does the spur gear need to be replaced to fit? My outcast is a wheelie beast even with 4s. Was hoping to get the kraton there too. I know it wheelies on 6s but like I mentioned earlier my son uses the kraton more than I. Any information will help. Tyvm
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Since I posted this I learned about the punch settings. Put on some new tires I found from another thread that kind of looks like the backflips and now the kraton does wheelies on 4s. Stock pinion gear. I made a video on my phone but don't know how to post it.
Since I posted this I learned about the punch settings. Put on some new tires I found from another thread that kind of looks like the backflips and now the kraton does wheelies on 4s. Stock pinion gear. I made a video on my phone but don't know how to post it.
If you put heavier center diff fluid in that should help get the front up easier and keep the fronts from ballooning too much, too. I run 6s with Outcast Backflips 50/200/20 front to rear fluids. Putting heavier fluid in made my Typhons wheelie up on hard throttle also.
If you put heavier center diff fluid in that should help get the front up easier and keep the fronts from ballooning too much, too. I run 6s with Outcast Backflips 50/200/20 front to rear fluids. Putting heavier fluid in made my Typhons wheelie up on hard throttle also.
I was starting to explore the diff oil wieghts. Thank you very much. I'll try that.
I switched my Kraton ESC settings today from punch 4, to punch 9. It now wheelies constantly! Almost feels like 6s on punch 4.
Punch 9 on 4s works for me too. It's just heavier on the batteries. Wheelies are no problem on 4s. ☺

I mean harder on the batteries...
I was trying to find where I can get the instructions on punch setting as I don't have the manual anymore. Anyone have a link or can tell me how to do it?