Launch Ramps Anyone?

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Clearly we all have some experience with tools and are generally mechanically inclined. I know some of us have already built launch ramps for our RC cars, and possibly for ourselves as well. I used to be a BADA$$ on Roller Blades, but those are days gone by. That being said, some of you probably have not even built a “proper” ramp. I know we can jump or cars off just about anything, so who is to say what a proper ramp is? If you are itching to build a ramp, check out this website.

Here are some of my tips when it comes to launch ramps.

1st, the “face” of a ramp should be based off a circle. You want a consistent transition from the ground up the ramp.

2nd When drawing the radius of the circe on your plywood, I always tied a string to a screwdriver, and the other end to a pencil. I liked a 9 foot radius, but for our cars an 8 foot radius will keep the ramp smaller and will work just fine. You will have to decide how tall you want it and how steep you want the take off. There is a ramp calculator that will show you drawings of your ramp based on your parameters.

3rd, be sure it is wide enough. The Kraton is 18.5 income wide, and my ramp is 26.5 inches wide. I was eyeballing mine, and using scrap wood, so I ended up not wide enough. Had it been 4 feet wide, it would be harder to transport, but I could easily hit it full speed.

4th, if you build it they will skate it. Choose your supplies accordingly. I used super thin plywood, and small boards for my supports so that the ramp would not be able to be used as a skate ramp. I know, I’m an old guy now. But for real my kids aren’t at that level yet, and I don’t need some punk getting hurt on my ramp. If anyone tried to skate my ramp it would crumble under them. But for a 9 lb RC car it’s perfect.

Really a super cool website. Back in the day this was all guarded or at least hard to find information. Now all you need is google.
Great info! Thanks for the post.. I always hate it when I see videos of a flat sheet propped up on a chair or something.. lol
That ramp would sure send it. You could scale that down and do 2x2's instead of 2x4s if all you wanted to use it for was RC. I have been planing on building a small ramp after I get caught up on some other projects, similar design just smaller.
That ramp would sure send it. You could scale that down and do 2x2's instead of 2x4s if all you wanted to use it for was RC. I have been planing on building a small ramp after I get caught up on some other projects, similar design just smaller.

The "Ramp Calculator" tool on that site will set plans for any size you want. you can build a 2 foot tall ramp based on an 8 foot radius. It will launch a little lower with more forward momentum upon landing. Make the same ramp 30 inches tall and the car will launch higher but with less forward momentum upon landing. I am only saying that using an 8 or 9 foot radius, you can still build a ramp any size you want. And Yes, 2x2s or even 1x2's and 1/4 inch plywood, will shave some cost and some weight.
While the general construction differs, I did use some of your points for the construction of my own version of a launch ramp. However I found the 9ft radius a bit extreme unless you are hitting the ramp at full throttle and even then I think it would be overkill. This folding version I designed and built has both a 45 and 60 degree launch position with a 3ft radius and I am quite happy with it's performance.

The ramp is constructed from scraps I had lying about: 3/16 ply, 1x2, 1x4, 1x6. It measures 31"x33"x5.5" folded with usable ramp width of 32"

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