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Peg board 😍 my current obsession and need to buy thing.
It's so efficient and easy to install. When I decide to take it down, there's very little repair needed to the walls. It's a win/win
No. It's a mess. I live alone. My shed is full with bicycles, surfboards, a motorcycle and a tool cabinet. I use the dining table. Parts and tools and packages and wipes everywhere.
You left your bicycles in the shed!?!
Never will I show the mess deal with!
Are you ever gonna fix the date on that camera? 🙄🤣
Wait...camera?? 😂
Hehe, I didn't dare work downstairs when I was drinking (I quit a few weeks ago, finally) or I might have tumbled down the stairs. :p
I quit 6 months ago after drinking nearly every day for 30 years. Keep it up bro! 👊🏼
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Back in 2014..? 😉
You know it brother. Same year I got my Infraction and pretty much everything else that I own and have pictures of. That was a banner year at the Turner house, no joke.
my happy place.
Tired of getting screamed at for trashing the kitchen table. This work area has worked really well so far! The lighting is MUCH better, plus I've learned to multitask which seems like it cut my wrenching projects time in half. It's allowed me more down time. ;) GF has her own bathroom so no worries there. So far it's been a win/win for us both!(y)

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I’m literally here wondering if you moved all this stuff in your bathroom just to take this pic and troll the rest of us. I’m in aww here! This is at a level all by itself. 👍🏽