Kraton Lipo battery charger

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Wanting to buy a dual lipo charger tired of waiting hours to charge... most important, I'm not trying to spend an arm and leg for a fast good charger.. thanks in advance...
I think it will be better that you think about the quality of the charger again..
You know, you get what you pay for. In earlier times I also startet with cheap chargers and I destroyed some battery´s a lot bevor ending their lifetime.
I do not now which brand in USA are great, I have chargers from Multiplex (BID-System), Schulze and LRP.
Do you drive you're Lipo´s as serial? So maybe it is better to choose an better single charger (up to 6S or more) and charge the pack as serial. (2 x 3S > 1 x 6S If you decide to do so, you will need a balancer bridge for that.

Just an suggestion,
I really like my Venom Pro Duo charger. Can charge 2 batteries at 7A each at the same time.
I think it will be better that you think about the quality of the charger again..
You know, you get what you pay for. In earlier times I also startet with cheap chargers and I destroyed some battery´s a lot bevor ending their lifetime.
I do not now which brand in USA are great, I have chargers from Multiplex (BID-System), Schulze and LRP.
Do you drive you're Lipo´s as serial? So maybe it is better to choose an better single charger (up to 6S or more) and charge the pack as serial. (2 x 3S > 1 x 6S If you decide to do so, you will need a balancer bridge for that.

Just an suggestion,
I have a dynamite single charger already just wanted to upgrade.. thanks

I really like my Venom Pro Duo charger. Can charge 2 batteries at 7A each at the same time.
Gonna look into that...thx
I found al ling of my BID charger:
It has a nice option with the BID. On the chip are stored the values of the Lipo and just connecting the plugs and push start.
Nothing more with change the settings or so. That system is also girlfriend-proof! :)
I had made me charging adapter for 2x2S and 2x3S; see the pic.
So I chan charge more Lipo´s in one time.
But the main reason was to make it save if my girlfriend try to charge her Lipo´s.
With the adapter it is nearly impossible that she can make an mistake..... Till yet our house did not burn! ;)

I charger is the best and will charge anything. You can get knockoffs for 50 bucks from hobbyking or banggood. The I charger has a range if you want bigger as well. Lipo charging board and that charger and you can charge your lipos. Nicads. Your car battery. Motorcycle battery. The kids powerwheels etc.
The carefully with the description I-charger... It´s also an model name for the junsi chargers.
Or do you mean the Imax-charger? If yes, so also take care because there are a lot counterfeits on the market.
Also it´s highest charge rate is just 50W!! Thats not much and you need an separate 12V power supply....

If you mean an junsi charger, then I agree, but you´ll never will get one of them for 50 bucks.
Except you buy used and the other guy have no knowledge what he is selling.

By the way, all good computer chargers should can charge NiMh, LiPo (include HV), LiIon, FePo, PB.
NiCd ist not more important, because this cells goes more and more out of the marked, because of the Cadmium.
I think for charging an 6S 5500mA in a row ( 2 x 3S) you should calculate with minimum 100W output.
Better will be more! 22V x 5,5A = around 121W and this with c-rate 1C!

For me it makes no sense to save money in case of the charger, because battery´s are also expensive and an good charger will stay longer than some models.
They weren't junsi chargers when I bought it. At any rate, they are called ichargers. I have had a 106B+ for years now, but the copies are 50 bucks and I'll try one of them when I have a few bucks for another charger,, supposedly they use the same software.
Right, same software, but check the electronic parts. My colleague had puffed his battery while this charger (a copy) died.
Was an expensive lesson for him...
Now since few days he is using an other china charger...iSDT SC-620 DC 500W 20A with external 600W power supply from an server.
The price was around 80€. For these values it is cheap. Till vet no bad issues with that.
I am not sure but I believe that this charger also distributed over Yuki brand.
But we all free in our mind and everybody can choose what he want and what the wallet (or wife ;) ) will allow.
Everyone decides subjectively and thats life! :)
Right, same software, but check the electronic parts. My colleague had puffed his battery while this charger (a copy) died.
Was an expensive lesson for him...
Now since few days he is using an other china charger...iSDT SC-620 DC 500W 20A with external 600W power supply from an server.
The price was around 80€. For these values it is cheap. Till vet no bad issues with that.
I am not sure but I believe that this charger also distributed over Yuki brand.
But we all free in our mind and everybody can choose what he want and what the wallet (or wife ;) ) will allow.
Everyone decides subjectively and thats life! :)

True, but a real Icharger could malfrunction too.
sure. You never save to get not an malfunction on electronic parts.
An other point are the safety functions of the charger.
Till yet I had no issues with damaged battery´s by my chargers which are coming from different brands but not the cheapest.
The chinese people can do an good design, but in often points they use the cheapest chip or transistor and the whole design is going crappy.
Would like that our discussion will help Ky2 and other guys to find the right charger...

I have a Skyrc D200 dual charger, got it for a decent price had it a while. I usually charge 2x 6s 5000mah lipos simultaneously without problems.