Kraton low top speed...6s and 16th equals 44mph??

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Arrma RC's
Picked up a used kraton that has spectrum gear in it along with an Ace rc 150 amp esc. The truck also came with two 3s lipo batteries. Everything runs well do I went ahead and ordered a 16th pinion while I was replacing some suspension arms. I through some not full batteries in it last night and strapped on my phone to use as a gps speedometer, which yielded 40mph. Hoping my batteries were just too low (although skeptical it would be that Farr of the 60mph it should be running) and threw them on the charger. Each pack took r300 mahogany to fully charge.

Round two, I plugged them in and strapped In my Note 5 again. This time...44mph.

What should I look for first? My gear mesh might be a tad tight (did thr paper trick) but I would not think that would explanation a 16 mph drop. I get six beeps when I switch the esc on with the batteries hooked up. They are 5600 mah 3s spc soft packs. Could the motor just be tired? Esc?

Thanks in advance :) could be a few things. Maybe the batteries are tired. Maybe one or 2 cells are bad. Check cells with balancer. Or Charge and check for voltage drop a few days later. Motor could be tired, ESC could be not working right. It beeps 6 times so it should be recognizing all 6 cells. Maybe check throttle end points. Maybe check the programming, punch control maybe...

My best guess would be is that it is running in reverse. Swap one of the motor wires with one of the other 2, then switch your controller to normal or reverse, whatever one its not on. See if your car go's faster after that.
By Spektrum gear do you mean transmitter and receiver? If so, make sure your throttle end points are set to default (likely 100%). Next, dig up the manual for that esc and see if it has a programming step that calibrates it for the throttle range of your transmitter, most aftermarket ones do. After both of those are done, give her another go with a fully charged pack.
Good tips. Thanks.

I tried swapping the motor wires and had to reverse my radio to get it to drive like normal, but that just gave it great punch in reverse and reduced punch in forward...i was hoping that would fix it. Bummer.

Could mesh too tight effect speed that mich? It will roll a few feet if I just nudge it with my foot, so I don't think it is binding.
By Spektrum gear do you mean transmitter and receiver? If so, make sure your throttle end points are set to default (likely 100%). Next, dig up the manual for that ESC and see if it has a programming step that calibrates it for the throttle range of your transmitter, most aftermarket ones do. After both of those are done, give her another go with a fully charged pack.

Looks like we have a winner with end points. I set them and took it outside really quick and it instantly wanted to back flip from added power. I will test it out tomorrow...if I can get the steering fixed, but that is probably a new thread. Darn thing only wants to turn full range to the right, and very little to the left...grrr..I put a new savox when I got it and steered perfect but took ithe steering apart because I thought I needed too to change the arms.
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Cool...process of a limitation.. glad you got it figured out.. ..and it was a cheep fix.
Steering is probably along the same lines. Check your end points for your servo.... and or Reset the steering trims to 0.. undo steering linkage and adjust to go straight. Turn power on so servo to reset to the middle. Then reinstall the lingage straight. Then miner adjustments to steering trim
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On the steering, i centered the horn orginally, and did not remove it when it took it apart. I could not get it off so I tool the next bolt out of the linkage and disconnected it from the horn. I did take the bolts through the servo saver (top bolt odd of the Pilar and bottom of the pillar through the pan) so maybe that messed something up. I am sure the servo is ok but maybe I messed with the saver adjustment some how. I will see if that is the case or how to adjust.
Sometimes the servo gears turn a little and give a false center when you install it. make sure power is applied to the servo right before you install the horn into the middle position , that way the servo resets to its neutral position. If not, then you have to adjust the trim way to one side. If that.. makes since.... one way to check is to put steering trims to 0 or middle/neutral. Then turn your car on and see if the tires jerk to one side.
I think i got it figured out. I had some binding at the hub/knuckle with one of the nuts that goes on a ball end. Took it apart and redid it and all seems to be corrected :) The truck seems to have good power and the steering appears to be on point.

Thanks for all of the help guys. I have been out of this for 25 years or so.
Did a couple quick pulls today and hit 56mph on a not too clean pass. The truck has aftermarket spike tires that balloon pretty bad and cause the front to float pretty bad...i poop it down due to my note 5 being my speedo, lol. I doubt the phone would survive a 60 mph crash!

This truck is a lot of fun though :)