Kraton Modification of the weekend.

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Arrma RC's
I'm in the process of modding the rear shock tower a little. The ears are cut down about 1/4 inch and rounded off. Then I made these guards to try and protect the shock caps and tower better. Looks promising.

I also vented the grill.


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Looks good, what kind of material is that? Also what front bumper is that?...thanks Mike
You know it's bad when you got to look at one of these. (see way below pics) However..... the bolts came out. Thank god.

I didn't need that extractor....I had to drill the heads off the motor mount screws from the bottom. Then drill tiny holes into the bolt shafts. Then reversed a larger drill bit in them.... came right out. They got seized real bad and the soldering iron trick would not even get them loose. Saved the motor mount !!!!! No damage to anything but 2 bolts !!!!

Awesome use for hockey pucks (see below pic)... drill hole through center, put like this, then hammer lightly to press in bearings.

Does that brass bushing go above or below that spring washer ? Help !!!!



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Converted the M3 wing mount bolts too M4 bolts. My m3s sheared off. Pics of parts needed and finished mod below.
Nice mods Vanning, I'm impressed! How do you keep your Kraton so clean? Here is mine " cleaned up " next to a very clean, but brand new Outcast.
I'll get some better pics, But this mod is cheap, fast and simple. You can get all parts, drill bit and tap from ACE hardware. First get everything you see in the pic, Remove wing (not the mount) 2. Remove one m3 bolt, 3. Drill through everything, wing brace, shock tower and diff housing, 4. Tap m4 threads completely through everything, 5. Install 1/2 thin wall sleeve and then m4 bolt. Repeat on other side. Whole process takes 10 minutes. With the m4 bolt and sleeve installed, It makes the wing mount area brutally strong. If you are unsure what drill bit and tap to buy, Get the m4 bolts first, then ask a store assistant to show you what bit and tap to purchase.
Hey..what's up Trout !!! Congrats on the Outcast !!!. Very cool. You are not that good at cleaning RC's I guess. LOL But I have to say...mine runs nice thanks to you. Thanks again...bud, you are good people.

Before I work on my Kraton...I spray it with Simple Green, hit it with air. running area is sand. I can off road my Jeep, RC's or dirt bikes over in my area and the mud looks like nothing. All sand, no top soil. It sticks to nothing. I also run my Slash way harder and more often than the Kraton... It holds up well(lots of mods). It's not very muddy looking but it sure gets scratched up and screwed up from sand and bash sessions. I rebuilt it recently and retired it for the winter. I also have not been back flipping with the Kraton much....I'm not into that with it. Long., far smooth jumps...yes. I can handle that all day long without busting too much on it. My Slash gets the bad beatings. That's why I never got the Outcast right away....I use a Traxxas Slash with large tires for that type of driving. I keep going back to it as my go to RC for beating the piss out of. I've been running the Kraton fast and smooth it does not see the destruction of my other RC's.

The wing on mine is new also....that helped it. But it truly does not get the beating I deliver on other RC's. It did get some this weekend...bent the rear shock tower back but I landed upside down in the road...rather in the soil . soil here doesn't get my stuff stained like good soil does. The sand just gets into everything and destroys bearings.

Once I get another RC...newer than the Kraton....It will look more like yours. That's why the Slash is so beat up. LOL It's just what I do... that's the cycle. I think I'm going for a 1/5th scale....I shouldn't do it but I have the feeling I will after X-mas. The tires on the Outcast look perfect. I need to try them.

I'll get some better pics, But this mod is cheap, fast and simple. You can get all parts, drill bit and tap from ACE hardware. First get everything you see in the pic, Remove wing (not the mount) 2. Remove one m3 bolt, 3. Drill through everything, wing brace, shock tower and diff housing, 4. Tap m4 threads completely through everything, 5. Install 1/2 thin wall sleeve and then m4 bolt. Repeat on other side. Whole process takes 10 minutes. With the m4 bolt and sleeve installed, It makes the wing mount area brutally strong. If you are unsure what drill bit and tap to buy, Get the m4 bolts first, then ask a store assistant to show you what bit and tap to purchase.
Awesome mod Fart.....I love it. :D
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Hey..what's up Trout !!! Congrats on the Outcast !!!. Very cool. You are not that good at cleaning RC's I guess. LOL But I have to say...mine runs nice thanks to you. Thanks again...bud, you are good people.

Before I work on my Kraton...I spray it with Simple Green, hit it with air. running area is sand. I can off road my Jeep, RC's or dirt bikes over in my area and the mud looks like nothing. All sand, no top soil. It sticks to nothing. I also run my Slash way harder and more often than the Kraton... It holds up well(lots of mods). It's not very muddy looking but it sure gets scratched up and screwed up from sand and bash sessions. I rebuilt it recently and retired it for the winter. I also have not been back flipping with the Kraton much....I'm not into that with it. Long., far smooth jumps...yes. I can handle that all day long without busting too much on it. My Slash gets the bad beatings. That's why I never got the Outcast right away....I use a Traxxas Slash with large tires for that type of driving. I keep going back to it as my go to RC for beating the piss out of. I've been running the Kraton fast and smooth it does not see the destruction of my other RC's.

The wing on mine is new also....that helped it. But it truly does not get the beating I deliver on other RC's. It did get some this weekend...bent the rear shock tower back but I landed upside down in the road...rather in the soil . soil here doesn't get my stuff stained like good soil does. The sand just gets into everything and destroys bearings.

Once I get another RC...newer than the Kraton....It will look more like yours. That's why the Slash is so beat up. LOL It's just what I do... that's the cycle. I think I'm going for a 1/5th scale....I shouldn't do it but I have the feeling I will after X-mas. The tires on the Outcast look perfect. I need to try them.

Awesome mod Fart.....I love it. :D
Hey..what's up Trout !!! Congrats on the Outcast !!!. Very cool. You are not that good at cleaning RC's I guess. LOL But I have to say...mine runs nice thanks to you. Thanks again...bud, you are good people.

Before I work on my Kraton...I spray it with Simple Green, hit it with air. running area is sand. I can off road my Jeep, RC's or dirt bikes over in my area and the mud looks like nothing. All sand, no top soil. It sticks to nothing. I also run my Slash way harder and more often than the Kraton... It holds up well(lots of mods). It's not very muddy looking but it sure gets scratched up and screwed up from sand and bash sessions. I rebuilt it recently and retired it for the winter. I also have not been back flipping with the Kraton much....I'm not into that with it. Long., far smooth jumps...yes. I can handle that all day long without busting too much on it. My Slash gets the bad beatings. That's why I never got the Outcast right away....I use a Traxxas Slash with large tires for that type of driving. I keep going back to it as my go to RC for beating the piss out of. I've been running the Kraton fast and smooth it does not see the destruction of my other RC's.

The wing on mine is new also....that helped it. But it truly does not get the beating I deliver on other RC's. It did get some this weekend...bent the rear shock tower back but I landed upside down in the road...rather in the soil . soil here doesn't get my stuff stained like good soil does. The sand just gets into everything and destroys bearings.

Once I get another RC...newer than the Kraton....It will look more like yours. That's why the Slash is so beat up. LOL It's just what I do... that's the cycle. I think I'm going for a 1/5th scale....I shouldn't do it but I have the feeling I will after X-mas. The tires on the Outcast look perfect. I need to try them.

Awesome mod Fart.....I love it. :D
I made a diff brace and removed the plastic factory brace.
Just after i did this mod i took it out for a test run down the block ,bad timing because a car backed out of the drive way and ran over it twice,once in reverse,than again in forward.I can say that with the braces it is very strong.Damage was the body,two front tires burst and rear gear box case,everyhing else survived.
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Man.... you and Dubbs need to stay away from cars. Time for a rebuild.... or half a build. Kauai

I added a Lipo alarm today and put in some longer battery straps. I reversed the strap so I can open them up fast if I had to.

I need one of those radar guns for some speed runs soon. Or a cell phone App that stores max mph.
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Lol....Deeznuts. Got him !!!

I was able to safely strap my cell phone directly along the side of my 6S. I added some Velcro to keep it tight. I tested the app against the Speedo in my Jeep. Very accurate. It saves the top speed, average speed, time and distance. I'll try it this weekend to see how fast my Kraton is going after the motor swap.
Lol....Deeznuts. Got him !!!

I was able to safely strap my cell phone directly along the side of my 6S. I added some Velcro to keep it tight. I tested the app against the Speedo in my Jeep. Very accurate. It saves the top speed, average speed, time and distance. I'll try it this weekend to see how fast my Kraton is going after the motor swap.
That's funny,i read your post and thought good idea on the Speed app,so i went looking and ended up getting the same one(app).