My daily rant.

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Anything will break if you drive it wrong enough.
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Rapid City, SD
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Rc manufacturers, how about we make shock springs that actually fit on the shocks. Why make the shocks springs so short that we have to wind the collars half way down before the springs even touch? I feel like I am being robbed of half my options for ride height.
Kinda like when you buy a bag of chips it's half full. It's America you always get half of what you pay for lol
Brand new bag.....
I once knew a bloke that worked in a potato chip factory and I asked him one day why the packet is so big yet only half full of chips when you open it...

He said it was to give the individual chips as much space as possible so they didn’t get all crunched up together and were all smashed up when the consumer opened them up to eat them.

I called bullshit on that and told him he was full of it...
I was in the local hobby shop yesterday and a guy had what I believe was a Traxxas Slash in there getting worked on. His springs was so smashed together on the front shocks that that the coils were doubled up in places. It looked ridiculous.
I once knew a bloke that worked in a potato chip factory and I asked him one day why the packet is so big yet only half full of chips when you open it...

He said it was to give the individual chips as much space as possible so they didn’t get all crunched up together and were all smashed up when the consumer opened them up to eat them.

I called bullshit on that and told him he was full of it...

Well, never saw it on myth busters... but there's an experiment there to be done. Take a 1 gallon baggie, fill it half full of chips, dump them in a bowl to see how high they fill it, then put them back in the bag and fill the rest with air. Toss it around your house for 20 minutes, then dump them into a bowl to measure how high they stand now (broken chips will shake down more compact).

Then take the same bag, fill it full of chips and throw them in the bowl to see how much it fills it, then back in the bag and toss around for 20 minutes. Then put them in the bowl to measure how much they fill it.

While your doing that... I'll open my second bag of chips and eat it as worrying about such things is silly. :)
Damn nasty virus... was sick like pneumonia thanksgiving to almost Christmas. Germs and virus through the office and have been sick like that again for the past 3 weeks. Flu test negative, chest X-ray negative, strep tests negative, mono test negative. 102.9 temp and slept for 3.5 days straight last weekend. Then daughter got the bug and brought her to the hospital last weekend with 104+ fever.

People in the restroom at the office taking a ? then just exiting not washing hands - wtf....
If they put that special surface on corners and bridges because it helps keep them from getting icy, why don't they just put that on the entire road?
People in the restroom at the office taking a ? then just exiting not washing hands - wtf....

Man that’s a rough go hope you are doing better now.

To the quote though, I call these people out. I don’t even want my own ? on my hands or in my mouth let alone someone else’s.
This is going to be kind of a long post.

So back in December we had a customer call up about having an issue with their sofa, I called them and left a voicemail 3-4 times, my boss called them and left a voicemail 3-4 times. They call us up in January and I have a note to call them, so I called and left a voicemail 3-4 different times. Late February rolls around and the wife calls up the store and yells at the owner. So we go pick up her furniture and I bring it back to the store and I get the stuff ordered to fix it. The parts showed up last week and I got it all fixed on Tuesday. Called and left them a voicemail that it was done and I would like to schedule a time to drop it off to them. Last night(Thursday) they call me and this is literally what she says "Yeah I'm calling to get my furniture delivered" and I was really confused that a customer would be calling me on my personal phone about their delivery. Turns out to be the lady who's couch I fixed. So I told her that I could drop it off tomorrow(Friday) and it would be late morning early afternoon, she says okay my mother in law will be there all day. I call her at 11:00 this morning to make sure that someone is home and of course voicemail........... so I was like eh she said her mom would be there and she lives 5 min from the store so lets just run it over. So we go to their house knock, ring the doorbell wait for like 15 min no one home, and again no answer on the phone. So I said screw it they can call the store and reschedule. She calls me at 4:45 and left a voicemail, I was on the other line at the time, asking when we are going to drop off her their sofa. I'm just at the point with these people where I want to call them and tell them that they can come pick the ****ing thing up when it's convenient for them since apparently our schedule doesn't work for them.

/end rant
I need to find a new place to bash, my go to spot is under water and my other bash spot is a field now instead of a BMX track :cry:
my other bash spot is a field now instead of a BMX track :cry:

The skate park I bash out relatively frequently had a huge dog park built up to the edge of it... no more nitro there and they basically removed 2-3 good jumps out of the park as there's now a 8 foot tall chain link literally up to the edge of the concrete of the park. I love hearing dogs barking for 2 hours straight when I run there... such a joy. I'm sure the skaters/bikers really like that too as the dogs stand right at the edge of the fence and bark bark bark, like dogs do. But hey, at least they didn't just level it off with dirt and make a dog toilet out of it!

The skate park I bash out relatively frequently had a huge dog park built up to the edge of it... no more nitro there and they basically removed 2-3 good jumps out of the park as there's now a 8 foot tall chain link literally up to the edge of the concrete of the park. I love hearing dogs barking for 2 hours straight when I run there... such a joy. I'm sure the skaters/bikers really like that too as the dogs stand right at the edge of the fence and bark bark bark, like dogs do. But hey, at least they didn't just level it off with dirt and make a dog toilet out of it!
I drove up there the other day and at first I noticed that the seats were gone, then the wall then saw the empty spot and was like :(
I'm kind of hoping that they are just redoing it because the buildings are still there.
Not really a rant but sorta.

Was out at the local bash spot today and 3 other random dudes show up about halfway through the pack on my RC10B2, one guy had a UDR, one had a Slash 2wd and the other a Rustler 2wd. So I decided to bust out the 4Pede and was sitting there busting out backflips. When a storm cloud came over the top of the hill and dumped sleet all over us for 3 minutes :(
Not really a rant but sorta.

Was out at the local bash spot today and 3 other random dudes show up about halfway through the pack on my RC10B2, one guy had a UDR, one had a Slash 2wd and the other a Rustler 2wd. So I decided to bust out the 4Pede and was sitting there busting out backflips. When a storm cloud came over the top of the hill and dumped sleet all over us for 3 minutes :(
That's too bad, you guy's were just starting to bond Traxxas style. Lol
If they put that special surface on corners and bridges because it helps keep them from getting icy, why don't they just put that on the entire road?
I actually know the answer to that, if you’re interested.