Nero Standing back flips

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Arrma RC's
  1. Nero
Called Arrma to ask what I need to do to do them. They put me on hold and came back to say it should do it out the box. I cannot confirm this yet. I was wondering if anyone else could? I did put punch setting to 5.
Called Arrma to ask what I need to do to do them. They put me on hold and came back to say it should do it out the box. I cannot confirm this yet. I was wondering if anyone else could? I did put punch setting to 5.

I have. ..rare occasion on grass...thick knotted grass with roots will do it...easier on high hook concrete....slow roll quick break then give it 100% will do it...
? sure! it is a Nero and no Outcast!
Think of the weight and the wheelspace of a Nero and compare it with a Outcast.
After that you will understand why it gives a wheely bar for the Nero as an Option! ;)

If you just want to have a car which is designed for run a track unstable because of it´s short wheelbase and always try to lay on it´s back...
Yes, then you´ll have to choose a Outcast! If you want to drive everywhere with a lot of power and switchable diffs... Its a Nero (blue) and his brothers like the Big Rock or Fazon. The green one is also not so bad, but all diffs are open and you´ll always in .. how they call them?... Blast-Mode! You can modify it with stiff grease in the diffs, but I prefer the lock-diff-Version.
By the way, the green one also do not will make wheels so easy, because off the missing lockable center diff.

Argh, the pitiful diffs! ;)
My heard is bleeding....

Sure you can do backflips if you are using good 6s battery and have good grip on the ground.
Also you have to put the push settings slitty high. If you running 4s and punch on 1 and also less grip...
Than you can try what you want and can do something but not a backflip.
Specially not with the Big Rock, course of its tires. The original Nero tires are wider and have more grip.
I could test it today; my girlfriend and two colleagues of mine have had bought an Nero. (2 Blue, 1Green)

But be honest, the Nero is not really designed to do that. Therefore they made the Outcast. !:)

I'm sure it's mostly in the tires. Stock don't have great grip. I put the Backflip tires on from the Outcast, same tread as Proline Badlands. I think it would happen, but I don't really care to try. Of course, would have to be running 6s, and maybe turn up punch on the ESC, but even on punch 1, I find it far too punchy.
In your manual it allows you to adjust your punch setting on your ESC so you can do standing backflips. The bigger the tire IE wider the tire better the traction in order to do it.
Maybe also a shot info for interesting people.
Since my Girlfriend has her "blue" Nero, I can compare this to my Big Rock.
The "blue" Nero tends more to make a wheely than the BR (all original tires).
I think also that a big reason for this behavior is the much more weight of the BR body and also less grip of the tires.
Anyway, both are great, funny cars which make a big grind in our faces! :)

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