New esc. More power in reverse than forward???

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Arrma RC's
  1. Granite
I just got the blx85 esc for my granite bls and for whatever reason it doesn't have much power going forward but has normal lipo power in reverse. I checked all setting that I know to check and I'm still stumped! Any recommendations?
So you use the BLX Esc with the BLS 2-pole 4000kV motor?
Could be a problem with the Esc, but it might be a timing problem. Since this cannot be adjusted with the Arrma Esc there are no options to check this.
Do you have any other brushless motor you can check?

And, I have heard this might work - have not tested it myself, you could swap the motor leads around: Unplug and put in another lead from the Esc so they all get mixed up. And in case the motor turn backwards, swap any pair (2 out of the 3 leads) again to make it run forward.
Thanks. I actually do have the granite blx brushless as well so I'll try the bls esc on the blx and see what happens. I'm assuming if it works good on the blx then it's not an esc problem? If that's the case I'll try the motor leads idea and if that doesn't work then I'll be even more lost!
Thanks. I actually do have the granite blx brushless as well so I'll try the bls esc on the blx and see what happens. I'm assuming if it works good on the blx then it's not an esc problem? If that's the case I'll try the motor leads idea and if that doesn't work then I'll be even more lost!
I had the same problem running my Castle Sidewinder 8th 2200kv system in my modded Backslash, swapping motor wires did the trick.
Unusualrc I did the wire swap which worked so thank you but something is still off about this thing. It's not nearly as snappy as it was when the original esc was on it. It has a delay before it really starts going and it won't pick the front wheels off the ground anymore. The battery is brand new and freshly charged.
Try going into the esc settings and turn the punch setting up. Should be in the pamphlet that came with the esc. I put one in one of my cars and did this, and the car did a backflip! My only issue is I can't seem to locate that pamphlet!!!
Unusualrc I did the wire swap which worked so thank you but something is still off about this thing. It's not nearly as snappy as it was when the original esc was on it. It has a delay before it really starts going and it won't pick the front wheels off the ground anymore. The battery is brand new and freshly charged.
Wish I could be more helpful on this, just wondering if it would be worthwhile to get BLX motor too for better performance gains. Reread your post, didn't catch it was ESC only upgrade.
Yeah I thought about doing that but the bls motor works great so I'm having a hard time justifying spending the 80 bucks on the blx motor. I'm sure the blx motor is in my future!

Punch setting did the trick! Thanks for the help
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone in this thread. I was having the same problem today after putting my mamba monster in my typhon. I swapped the leads around like suggested and was up and running in no time!