New to RC and to Nero

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Arrma RC's
  1. Nero
Hey all, im new to rc cars and have just bought a nero without a diff brain, i have took it out and well im hooked, i was wondering if i can get any general tips on the rc car world and the nero like anything i should buy etc, thanks all and looking forward to joining the rc car community
@Barrybasher welcome to Arrma Forum. You've made an excellent choice going with the Arrma Nero as it's an awesome RC that has so far been proven to be very durable.

If you're new to RC then I'd suggest checking out our Tools for getting started in RC thread. You will probably be wanting more batteries for your new Nero as well and the What's your "budget" LiPo of choice? thread has a lot of great recommendations.

If you have any questions please ask!
@Barrybasher welcome to Arrma Forum. You've made an excellent choice going with the Arrma Nero as it's an awesome RC that has so far been proven to be very durable.

If you're new to RC then I'd suggest checking out our Tools for getting started in RC thread. You will probably be wanting more batteries for your new Nero as well and the What's your "budget" LiPo of choice? thread has a lot of great recommendations.

If you have any questions please ask!
Thank you very much for the pointers, i can see alot of my money going into this hobby as i get to know more about it!
@Barrybasher welcome to Arrma Forum. You've made an excellent choice going with the Arrma Nero as it's an awesome RC that has so far been proven to be very durable.

If you're new to RC then I'd suggest checking out our Tools for getting started in RC thread. You will probably be wanting more batteries for your new Nero as well and the What's your "budget" LiPo of choice? thread has a lot of great recommendations.

If you have any questions please ask!
Welcome aboard! I started in December - buying my ten year old a Redcat Volcano 4x4. Im now on my 7th truck - Nero arrived yesterday. Get the wheelie bar for SURE - you will need it. I got the front bumper too - both from TBone racing. Be sure to tighten up the wheels - and the steering nut attached to the servo. Loctite the grub nuts on each driveshaft too.
Hey all, im new to rc cars and have just bought a nero without a diff brain, i have took it out and well im hooked, i was wondering if i can get any general tips on the rc car world and the nero like anything i should buy etc, thanks all and looking forward to joining the rc car community

ha ha to rc and to nero?...DUDE...DID YOU EVER START AT THE TOP !...swing for the fences dude...why not.....very cool choice...but now you are spoiled...your next rc may as well be the space shuttle. ...
ha ha to rc and to nero?...DUDE...DID YOU EVER START AT THE TOP !...swing for the fences dude...why not.....very cool choice...but now you are spoiled...your next rc may as well be the space shuttle. ...
While i was looking to get into rc i saw the nero and just had to get it, and im very happy i did extremly fun to drive, like you say thougg going to be hard to top ot with anything else i might get :P
Welcome to the arrma crew.... this is what i suggest you get to have on hand for the nero... shock rod ends part # ar330338, suspension rod ends part #ar340093 these also work on turnbuckle ends. These are only things ive broken besides a pair of upper a-arms and that was beacuse i hit a tree... some other stuff to have is shock oil i like to run 60wt and 70wt but i jump alot experiment with it, also diff oil of various thicknesses... i use 50k center 100k rear and 50 to 75k front.... again grab a few so you can experiment. Youtube is a great place yo gind videos on maintaining your new truck. After every run check over wheel nuts be sure they are tight, get a tube of blue loctite any place you yake a screw out that threades into metal ypu want to use a small amount when you put it back together, also invest in some good quality hex wrenches, dynamite, mip both good i use the dynamite hexes the ends are replaceable if you happen yo break one. Some super glue is a good idea, ive had a couple rod ends just pull out of threads again a dab in the hole and put it back together quick should solve the pulling out issue, keep in mind tho you will have one hell of a time getting the rod end off after its superglued i use the gel type. don't be afraid to ask questions take pics and post if your unsure what you need to do to fix anything. This forum is a great place to do some reading every day check out the nero threads and see what is going on. Happy blasting
ha ha to rc and to nero?...DUDE...DID YOU EVER START AT THE TOP !...swing for the fences dude...why not.....very cool choice...but now you are spoiled...your next rc may as well be the space shuttle. ...

I might also add - read the manual front to back. Especially the maintenance - every ten battery changes, every 20, etc. I have a strong feeling if ignored - there will be consequences of a ruined day. I keep a note on my packs to keep track.
Happy Bashing!
While i was looking to get into rc i saw the nero and just had to get it, and im very happy i did extremly fun to drive, like you say thougg going to be hard to top ot with anything else i might get :p
Just don't buy a traxxas and you will be ok... maybe a kraton or talion next... ive got kraton and nero love them both... cantdecide if typhon or talion is next...
ha ha to rc and to nero?...DUDE...DID YOU EVER START AT THE TOP !...swing for the fences dude...why not.....very cool choice...but now you are spoiled...your next rc may as well be the space shuttle. ...

It'll have to be the re-release shuttle;)