Kraton Orange Tekno Springs TK6083 vs TK6093?

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Arrma RC's
Hello, I am a happy owner of a Kraton, I love him. I'm looking for the best parts to update it. The original springs are very soft.
I walk a lot on the road and off road. Orange tekno springs are the choice! TK6083-90mm- on the four corners? or TK6083-90mm on the rear and on the front TK6093-80mm? Please i need help. Thank you! Sorry for my english.
I would go long front and rear. I did the 80,90 set up, and their short jus like the stock ones.. preload is maxed out
Hello, I am a happy owner of a Kraton, I love him. I'm looking for the best parts to update it. The original springs are very soft.
I walk a lot on the road and off road. Orange tekno springs are the choice! TK6083-90mm- on the four corners? or TK6083-90mm on the rear and on the front TK6093-80mm? Please i need help. Thank you! Sorry for my english.

Stock front = 4.9 pounds per inch (88.0 g/mm)
TKR6083 = 4.8 pounds per inch (85.7 g/mm)

I don't know why anyone would swap for a SOFTER spring.

You want the TKR6093 up front with 6.11 pounds per inch (109 g/mm)
SpringChart_Truggy2 (1).webp
Stock front = 4.9 pounds per inch (88.0 g/mm)
TKR6083 = 4.8 pounds per inch (85.7 g/mm)

I don't know why anyone would swap for a SOFTER spring.

You want the TKR6093 up front with 6.11 pounds per inch (109 g/mm)View attachment 8231
So took your advice, went with theTKR6093's on all 4 corners.
Now my question is, What about shock oil should I just stick with stock oil or go to a different weight oil? Any suggestions?
Thanks Bob
I went 80 in the front and 70 in the rear. But I have the Tekno orange front on the front and the Tekno orange rear on the rear. I like the rear end a little softer. :cool: