So my esc went up in smoke yesterday. Everything is pretty much stock on the truck. What esc should i throw in there? Should i stick with stock off of jennys or go to a max 6? any suggestions are appreciated
The Max6 G2S is great. I have one in my K6, but paired with the 4990. It's a 200a ESC, has Bluetooth link with the HW V2 app. I'm not sure about the 4074 stocker holding up to the 200a. But, the 4990 is incredibly powerful. I have a Notorious & I wouldn't put a 4990 in it. The new Max8 G2 S is 160a & also shares the same Bluetooth app pairing capabilities. The 160a would be ok with the 4074. The S is the Bluetooth series of ESCs that work with the app. But its 2x the cost of a new 150a V2 off of jennys.
I second the MAX6 recommendation. If you keep the stock motor you'll need motor wire extensions from 4mm to 6.5mm plugs. You can run almost anything off of a MAX6. On my Outcast it's pushing a Traxxas junk bin motor.
I second the MAX6 recommendation. If you keep the stock motor you'll need motor wire extensions from 4mm to 6.5mm plugs. You can run almost anything off of a MAX6. On my Outcast it's pushing a Traxxas junk bin motor.
Yeah, it’s really tough to beat a Max 6 in a basher. I don’t have any G2’s yet but all of my OG’s have been flawless. And the new ones are even better, at 200a and sensored.
I've killed a few G2s in heavy trucks with oversized motors. I'm not sold on their smart cooling system. Since I've been running the ESC fans off of the receivers I've had no issues.
I'm sold on the Max6 for bashing. Most all my Max6 are the OG not the newer. Sorry @RCSteve as good as the Max6 is I still only trust RCP 40mm fans on all mine over any stock fan. Hear ya...they claim to be better
Hyper Flow Fans is another good place to go for cooling, I have them on three of my trucks. KCRC makes a pretty good 40mm fan too, got one of them on a MX8.
I install 40x28 fans on my Max 6 ESC’s using these:
If you’re not impatient, then AliExpress has much better deals. This one comes with the adapter plate (aluminum and acts as a heatsink as well, unlike the 3d printed ones out there) and a decent fan with cover and hardware included.
These adapters also fit the Spektrum 6s ESC’s.
And like @RC Steve said, run them off your receiver.
On my rigs that run 2 or 3 of these big fans (i.e., one on the ESC and two on the motor) then I run them off a UBEC as they pull about an amp apiece and the ESC then only has to worry about powering my amp-hungry servos. Throw your lights on the UBEC too if you have them.