Surprised that this happened, as I have never taken my motor out from the truck since buying it a few months back.
From all that I had read, the three screws under the chassis, the two motor mount screws and the grub screw were fastened with red locker.
After a few minutes of light bashing today, my truck lost almost all drivetrain power. The culprit - grub screw on the pinion backed out and the pinion slipped back in towards the mount (see pictures of motor mount carnage below).
Not a big real damage, and I was overdue for diff oil change and I was planning on slapping on my 16T RR extra hard pinion anyhow...
Do you folks think I should use red or blue locker on the grub, and motor mount screws (meaning all 5 of them - 3 chassis and 2 that fasten in to the motor can)?
Or just use blue but apply generously?
Kinda thinking I go red and just use a lot of heat next time they need undoing...
From all that I had read, the three screws under the chassis, the two motor mount screws and the grub screw were fastened with red locker.
After a few minutes of light bashing today, my truck lost almost all drivetrain power. The culprit - grub screw on the pinion backed out and the pinion slipped back in towards the mount (see pictures of motor mount carnage below).
Not a big real damage, and I was overdue for diff oil change and I was planning on slapping on my 16T RR extra hard pinion anyhow...
Do you folks think I should use red or blue locker on the grub, and motor mount screws (meaning all 5 of them - 3 chassis and 2 that fasten in to the motor can)?
Or just use blue but apply generously?
Kinda thinking I go red and just use a lot of heat next time they need undoing...