Outcast Pinion Grub Fail!!

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Arrma RC's
Surprised that this happened, as I have never taken my motor out from the truck since buying it a few months back.
From all that I had read, the three screws under the chassis, the two motor mount screws and the grub screw were fastened with red locker.
After a few minutes of light bashing today, my truck lost almost all drivetrain power. The culprit - grub screw on the pinion backed out and the pinion slipped back in towards the mount (see pictures of motor mount carnage below).
Not a big deal...no real damage, and I was overdue for diff oil change and I was planning on slapping on my 16T RR extra hard pinion anyhow...
Do you folks think I should use red or blue locker on the grub, and motor mount screws (meaning all 5 of them - 3 chassis and 2 that fasten in to the motor can)?
Or just use blue but apply generously?
Kinda thinking I go red and just use a lot of heat next time they need undoing...

Surprised that this happened, as I have never taken my motor out from the truck since buying it a few months back.
From all that I had read, the three screws under the chassis, the two motor mount screws and the grub screw were fastened with red locker.
After a few minutes of light bashing today, my truck lost almost all drivetrain power. The culprit - grub screw on the pinion backed out and the pinion slipped back in towards the mount (see pictures of motor mount carnage below).
Not a big deal...no real damage, and I was overdue for diff oil change and I was planning on slapping on my 16T RR extra hard pinion anyhow...
Do you folks think I should use red or blue locker on the grub, and motor mount screws (meaning all 5 of them - 3 chassis and 2 that fasten in to the motor can)?
Or just use blue but apply generously?
Kinda thinking I go red and just use a lot of heat next time they need undoing...

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I would use Loctite 242 blue. It has worked well for me, still sometime need to heat it up to safely remove. I put a generous amount on the pinion grub. Permatex blue gel has worked well also and is easier to work with. I just don't use it on my pinion or outdrive cup grubs anymore, doesn't hold as well as Loctite in these spots under repeated load.
Surprised that this happened, as I have never taken my motor out from the truck since buying it a few months back.
From all that I had read, the three screws under the chassis, the two motor mount screws and the grub screw were fastened with red locker.
After a few minutes of light bashing today, my truck lost almost all drivetrain power. The culprit - grub screw on the pinion backed out and the pinion slipped back in towards the mount (see pictures of motor mount carnage below).
Not a big deal...no real damage, and I was overdue for diff oil change and I was planning on slapping on my 16T RR extra hard pinion anyhow...
Do you folks think I should use red or blue locker on the grub, and motor mount screws (meaning all 5 of them - 3 chassis and 2 that fasten in to the motor can)?
Or just use blue but apply generously?
Kinda thinking I go red and just use a lot of heat next time they need undoing...

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Had the same thing happen to me last week Buck!

First run on 6s, 5mins in and lost power, heard the whirrrr sound and knew the pinion had slipped. Checked it out and sure enough it had slid off the spur, same damage as in your picture. I took it apart, everything came apart easy with no heat required, I didn't notice any locker on the motor mount screws at all? Also, to my surprise the pinion grub had blue locker on the threads, which I found very strange with all the mention of red locker and issues with removal.

Anyways, I threw the 16t RR on and used ample amounts of blue locktite on the grub as well as the motor mount screws.

Haven't had a chance to run it since though.
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Really!? Interesting...I know my Outcast was a 2016 build so I just assumed all of them had the red locker as so many others had mentioned.
I have been giving her some good bashes lately...and at this point I am at least 20-25 packs deep on run time.
Word of mention also, both of my GKA chassis braces loosened at the chassis connection point. I know Greg recently redesigned them so they have a top nut configuration similar to the factory defaults.
Was reading a post by Greg on the Arrma Tips and Tricks page on FB that it is a wise idea to use red locker on the screws for the braces.
It's amazing the wear and tear on the truck once you start launching it...I built a ramp in my front yard and been sending her off a 45 degree ramp for a good 30 feet or so...and have had a few bad tumbles along the way!
Looks like all of the jarring loosened some things up...but hey, that what these things are designed for, and I was due for some overhaul maintenance on the diffs plus installing the HR aluminum diff mount along with some rear mud guards. Point being, the truck had to come apart anyways so this just nudged me along a little sooner than originally planned.
Yeah, I used the blue locktite on the brace screws as well when I installed them, we'll see how it holds up. I use the blue on any screws that thread into metal components. BTW, I threw the DERacing 110-AT guards on the rear arms. They fit great. Just used the supplied bolts and threaded into the two existing holes on the arms.
Really!? Interesting...I know my Outcast was a 2016 build so I just assumed all of them had the red locker as so many others had mentioned.
I have been giving her some good bashes lately...and at this point I am at least 20-25 packs deep on run time.
Word of mention also, both of my GKA chassis braces loosened at the chassis connection point. I know Greg recently redesigned them so they have a top nut configuration similar to the factory defaults.
Was reading a post by Greg on the Arrma Tips and Tricks page on FB that it is a wise idea to use red locker on the screws for the braces.
It's amazing the wear and tear on the truck once you start launching it...I built a ramp in my front yard and been sending her off a 45 degree ramp for a good 30 feet or so...and have had a few bad tumbles along the way!
Looks like all of the jarring loosened some things up...but hey, that what these things are designed for, and I was due for some overhaul maintenance on the diffs anyways, plus I will be installing a HR aluminum diff mount and some rear mud guards I am awaiting delivery on - point being the truck had to come apart anyways so this just nudged me junto it a little sooner than originally planned.
Sounds like GKA is following Hot Racings lead. Been running there rear Kraton brace for a while now and love it. Just got 3 shorter models for Outcast x2, and Typhon. Fitment is perfect, due need to check chassis screw periodically, especially with hard bashing and bigger jumps.
I was just told by some of the local tenko racers at my lhs that the reason arrma used the red loctite, was because of the torque the motor produces especially when on punch 9. I now use the red 420 on my pinion and hasn't moved yet. But after my first experience with the red loctite from the factory I ordered a pinion puller. I refuse to go thro that again lol