....Do you mean Arrma Fazon?
So i can tell you that the runtime with 6s and 5200mA will be longer than just 2 Mins!
I run my Big Rock on 6s 5500mA more than 20 Minutes.
Charge you´re LiPos till you're charger tells you that them full.
The suggested "one hour" roughly fits just in case that you are charging with 5,2A.
On your picture we just can see that you had plugged in the balancer cable. You have also to connect the other ones to you're charger!
It looks to me that you did not connect the power plug from the battery, cause I can see a
xt90 plug in the right lower corner of the pic.
You´re charger tells you that there is nothing connected. He shows "NONE" on the display left down corner.
BUT, you have to start the charging process by touching the start button! The process will not start by itself if you connect the batterie.
Pleas take you´re charger manual and check out how to connect you're batteries to the charger, otherwise you will damage them and you have to buy new ones.
Your Fazon makes all right, because he makes lipo-cut-off of course the empty batteries to prevent them to damaging.