Possible fixes for rod ends?

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Glendale, AZ
Arrma RC's
  1. Nero
  2. Senton 6s
  3. Typhon 6s
After viewing the thread:


I decided to take a look at that interference when my Nero finally came in.

I found some small washers out in the garage and decided to space up the shock cups.

It moved the cups up 7.2mm so I threaded the spring collars up 7.2mm to make up the difference.





I found that when cycling the suspension that the droop would now bottom out on a the skid plate, whereas they were stopping on the droop at the point of interference. So you gain an overall droop of 3/4" roughly. Didn't get any pics of that.
On an aside, one of the shock ends started pulling some of the threads out of the end before I'd even run it...

On the compression side, it still compresses just enough to barely smack the skidplate on the ground.

How does it run? I didn't notice any ill effects when driving it around or jumping. I can't say for sure this would cure the broken rod ends but it does get rid of the binding point mentioned by @Havoc

I did however still did manage to snap 2 rod ends - after hitting a steel pole when landing.. Not the trucks fault though... DOH:inpain:
Good work! I like your fix and also don't.

Moving the pistons up that far may lead to popping shock caps. Lastly, you might have an issue with the spring perch falling off. Both of these are maybe situations, and this washer fix might be the prefect cure.

On the flip side, this is exactly what would fix the issue. I'd be way more comfortable with longer rod ends. Another option may be to use nitro fuel line as a spacer. Something that the spring perches still slip over. Plus you can cut the tubing to length. I don't think you need the whole 7.2mm.
Another option may be to use nitro fuel line as a spacer. Something that the spring perches still slip over. Plus you can cut the tubing to length. I don't think you need the whole 7.2mm.

I had considered finding something that could space I down a hair less, and may still but I'm not sure if that pic shows exactly how close that cup is to the rocker arm, even w/ it spaced that far. I'll see if I can measure it tomorrow. Your fuel line suggestion May be a possibility and I have some of that laying around and may try it - but that will really be FINE tuning.. The fuel line will definitely have more give under full compression though...

As far as the cup popping off... If the cup is spun around the wrong direction and it hits just right.... I'd say it's not impossible.. Hasn't happened yet. But I don't have a ton of time in it yet either.
I have noticed the NERO rear suspension is not as smooth as the front. Somehow the geometry is slightly off. I only have a few runs on mine, the rear rockers, ball-cups and overall movement of the parts does not look smooth, cycling the rear rockers I get a lot of noise from plastic, dust, contact angles, the plastics are not happy. The front looks great, moves good, does not look stressed at all. I've got all the parts for the REVO rocker arm conversion, including: Rocker-post, arms, bearings, even the Traxxas shocks I could put in there, if they fit.
If the rocker arm geometry is not the same, the shock/spring ratios will be different. May have to do some tuning after that.

I used Generic Anodized. Little smaller doameter than stock so ised a washer. We'll see how it works.

Also moved shocks one notch inside. Sits slightly higher.

Apparently I can't type. Turned auto correcr off because I got different words than intended
Looks like there's WAY more than enough clearance in there - what rod end is that? From ebay?
It was from china. Said for 1/10 or 1/8, Experiment. Got lucky they fit. Just ordered a set of 4 from ebay (with better description) $10 shipped from US. I know its Chinese but I'll get it faster. Let you know how each works out.
Hey guys. Just an FYI rc4wd has an excellent selection of rod ends on there website. eBay can be great but frustrating sometimes when the item you need is not currently listed. Just thought I'd let people know. I do not own a Nero but this seems to be a consistent problem with them and the aluminum rod end A great fix!
Yeah, I looked there and didn't see any 5mm female - for the pushrods. There were some 4mm which may work on the shock ends though.