Question about sealing up center diff to run oil?

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A friend of mine ask me to change out his Pinion Gear and replace the grease in the center diff with 100k diff oil on his Non-Brain Nero
I have read that the center diff housing needs sealed up to run oil.
Can someone explain to me how and what needs done to seal this center diff up to run oil?
I'm new to the Nero platform I have Typhon, Talion, Kraton and Raider. And sure have found out that Nero's are a lot harder to work on LOL Thing is built like a Tank I like it!
you just have to take it apart and check it out.

Basically, the differential case has holes in it for the diff brain locking pins to slide through. You need to plug them with some JB weld or similar.

Also, once you learn your way around the nero, it's actually not too bad to wrench on. it just seems that way at first.
Here is what I have come up with.
I took a new tube of Ultra Black RTV Silicone cut the end off on the plastic nozzle so there was a very small hole.
Then placing the nozzle over each individual hole in back of diff case an squeezed just enough sealant into the hole until it just barely came out the other side, as it came out the hole on the inside of diff it formed a little bulge that will prevent the sealant plug from pushing back out the hole and is still small enough to fit in the void on the back of the gear.
On the outside I ran a bead of sealant connecting all 6 holes together and using my finger flattend it out smooth, it is now a flat seal connecting 6 holes together adding a little strength to the bond and will prevent plug from pulling through ti the inside.
I think this will work out an seal diff case up well?
I will let you know after it is ran for awhile to see how it will hold up.
Here is what I have come up with.
I took a new tube of Ultra Black RTV Silicone cut the end off on the plastic nozzle so there was a very small hole.
Then placing the nozzle over each individual hole in back of diff case an squeezed just enough sealant into the hole until it just barely came out the other side, as it came out the hole on the inside of diff it formed a little bulge that will prevent the sealant plug from pushing back out the hole and is still small enough to fit in the void on the back of the gear.
On the outside I ran a bead of sealant connecting all 6 holes together and using my finger flattend it out smooth, it is now a flat seal connecting 6 holes together adding a little strength to the bond and will prevent plug from pulling through ti the inside.
I think this will work out an seal diff case up well?
I will let you know after it is ran for awhile to see how it will hold up.View attachment 10268 View attachment 10269

That MIGHT work, I'm uncertain the inside will clear the gear. Maybe it will.

I guess time will tell, but I suspect the RTV is going to work itself loose after some heat cycles in the grease, but I could be completely wrong.
Thats why I let it mushroom out a little bit so it would form more of a plug.
It cleared, I test fit it a little while ago.
Time will tell LOL
Wish Hot Racing would make a diff housing without the holes, the make on with the holes.
I wish a company would make one that is sealed with the diffbrain pins installed. I'd love to be able to tune my diffs with oil and still retain function. I'm almost tempted to make it myself.