Question on Programming Talion ESC.

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Minnesota, USA
Arrma RC's
  1. Senton 6s
  2. Talion
So I'm curious if anyone knows how to program the ESC on the Talion to change the acceleration profile. I have searched everywhere but can't find this specific information. The manual covers setting most of the features with the esc but this.

My other part of this question is who makes the Arrma ESC I am assuming that they take another brand like castle or reedy etc and re-brand it with their info but i could be wrong.
The manual only shows being able to set 1) Running Mode (F/R/B or F/B), 2) Brake Strength (80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 100%), 3) Motor Rotation (Normal or Reverse), 4) Battery Mode (LiPo @ 3.2V per cell or No cutoff (12V min), and 5) Factory Reset. My assumption is that if there were more tuning options, they would show it here. Personally, I'd like to see more LiPo cutoff options as 3.2V per cell is a bit lower than I like to set my cutoffs.

I, also, am curious as to whether or not this ESC is a rebranded unit, but I did a quick search on 180A ESCs, and I didn't find any that had the same feature set as the BLX180. It's all rather moot anyway as I have a HobbyWing Quicrun 8BL150 on the way.
Programming options on the stock esc are limited. No way to change anything outside of the options listed in the manual from what I understand.