Quick Nero Advice

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Arrma RC's
  1. Nero
Guys i just need a quick opinion. I just purchased a Nero from tower yesterday afternoon. The order is placed but not fully processed. Due to the holiday weekend i do have some time to change the order. I just realized two things. One the big rock has all the heavy duty u joints and shock shafts and two the cost of upgrading to those parts later on. Is this a concern? Or will my nero be fine? I bash hard an am not the best driver so most my jump landings are in peril lol. The only thing I've really seen anyone complain about has been the stock shock mounting location out of the box and the stock rod ends being weak, nothing about the u joints or axles being weak in the nero.

I do like the look of the nero over the big rock, But if the axles and joints are going to cost me 100's later to replace ill change the order and spend the extra 60 upfront.
stay with the nero.i have never herd about drive shaft problems, as far as the shock shafts I would not worry about them.
Well this thread didn't really take off... what's up with a lot of the Nero hate I see on here? Seems like most of it is fanboy nonsense type stuff.
Pull the plug and go Big Rock if you really want to stick with the Nero platform.

No fan boy nonsense here and anyone telling you not to worry about shock shaft issues doesn't have a clue what they are talking about and certainly don't drive how you described you drive- you drive like 95% of us. The other 5% don't admit it. Hard crazy landings are just part of it unless you just consider bashing to be doing donuts.

I bought my Nero in March and completely finally gave up on it a few weeks ago and tore it down for spare parts on my other trucks and a new Tekno.

It's not a hate fest either. I really wanted to love my Nero. It was my first Arrma. I was so impressed I bought a Kraton and an Outcast 3 days later.

You will be working to repair this truck, regardless of which one, and Nero is not exactly easy access comparatively, parts are on a never ending backorder cycle. But when it's running the Nero with the brains was my favorite. Eventually it just wasn't worth the effort anymore and I had enough to do with keeping the Kraton and Oucast going. At least their parts were interchangeable.

Even with all that, I took a long look at the Big Rock in the hopes it was the answer to the Nero issues I was consistently having.

Oh, and yeah the Aluminum axles ARE weak. I bent 2. The CVs on either end are made of kryptonite or something so if the Big Rock has stronger centers then that's another +++

Crap, I keep forgetting things--- it's not the replacement cost of the crappy shock components that is going to sting, its when you finally realize the engineering behind this... when you have crap shocks and breaking shafts you have suspension that doesn't work. Duh? But not Duh... if that's not working then all the components relying on the shocks and springs to work start to bend or break. That's almost instant. At the end of the day. A $7 replacement shock rod is the least of your woes.
I can outright say the outcast doesn't seem right for me. The complexity of the Nero doesn't bother me much as I do enjoy wrenching on my trucks. As long is it isn't constantly broken that's ok. I haven't looked into the Kraton. It's. It to late yet as the truck isn't shipped yet. I could change my stuff first thing in the am.

I don't see the suspension being that poor in design. Maybe there are things I can do down the road to alleviate those breaks? Better shocks maybe? I understand lay down shocks are an interesting sort but i love the design. Part of why I have the original E-MTA, granted thunder Tiger ran from that design quick haha.

I really appreciate your input as you've owned most of arrmas trucks. I saw the squid speak very highly of the Nero and most my google researching seemed to point to positive info. Which is why I pulled the trigger. I can see the value in the big rock so I'll be upgrading to that at the minimum. Unfortunately I don't think the center of the slider shafts is different except in color. From the website it appears the u joint section is 2mm larger on the big rock. This applies to all joints including the center shafts. To upgrade down the road from arrma direct would be about 300 bucks.
Order the Hobao Hyper Shock Dampers Kit (Part # 90049). You should only need the spring perches from this kit, but they don't sell them by themselves so you have to get the whole kit. The Hobao spring perches are the one part all Nero, Big Rock, & Fazon owners seem to agree on. Once you get the truck you will notice that the stock spring perches rub on the rocker arms and cause side-to-side movement on the shock rod end which is no good. This happens even with upgraded aluminum rocker arms if you keep the Arrma spring perches.

Yes, the Nero platform can be a lot of work to keep it running. Just go in knowing that it is a heavy and very powerful truck. Keep those 2 things in mind while you are running it and you should have a lot of fun.
Get whatever you want dude. I don't care but good call on going big rock. I cited the other Arrma trucks as reference. This is a toy car. There's nothing complex about it and the "lay down shock design" as you naivel call it is just a standard pushrod suspension setup like an F1 car.

The issue is that Arrma uses poopy materials here and there and have a few design flaws that cause these poopy items to break. Then you can't get replacement parts on any predictable time frame. Look around on Tower if you are curious.

You need to order everything ChevyRumble just said above because he is dead on and you will have problems if you don't. It's that simple.
I saw chevy rumbles posts and ordered the parts preemptively. So we're all good there. I'm calling tower today to get the upgrade.

Edit: Well scratch that. Just talked to tower and it's already packaged and on its way. Can't change the order now unless I do a return.
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Do the return.
Also, get some other wheels. Wheels and shocks are the Arrma Achilles heels. Plus I broke 2 wheels the first day I had my nero out.
I would but I think return shipping is going to be ridiculous.

Edit: Scratch that. Tower took care of me. Intercepted the package in the warehouse and instantly applied a credit to my tower account. The new order is placed. I might even get the big rock on the same time frame.
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I think that he is over exaggerating. First get the car and the spring perches. You can even get the revo rod ends, drive pins and arrma ball cups but thats all you should need. Just don't land with throttle and you won't break driveshafts.
no, was just trying to help a guy out with some of my own personal experience. I will admit that I have learned more about all of these other fixes out there from this thread alone and it has me considering putting my Nero back together.

When I bailed on this truck it was because I was sorting out the Nero, Outcast and Kraton all at the same time and Nero got dumped.
It still tastes a little bitter that you need to find a forum then dig deeper into it to discover all the secret hidden fixes that you would normally just assume were not required when you buy a $500 truck.
Cancel Big Rock and get a Kraton. If you want it taller like the Nero you can get longer stiffer springs and maybe even the new RPM arms that have two shock mount points. Nero platform is a pain in the ass and heavy. I had one, ran it about 5 times and broke something every time. From axle pins to even a U joint. Add a few upgrades to the Kraton and it's tough as hell for less $ than Big Rock or Fazon out of the box.
To late. Big Rock is out for delivery. Gonna tough it out. There's a lot of good advice on here on making the Nero platform reliable and durable and it's really not much to do. Thanks for you input though.
Truck is fine ...
needed for reliable operation
  1. hobao 90049 ( rod ends will no longer fail)
  2. move shocks to 1st or 2nd hole from inside ( shock shafts will no longer fail and will let the A-arm engage its bottom droop.. therefore eliminating rocker post failures)..but the rocker post bolt mod is great in case of worse than normal crash)
  3. get spare axle pins ( Traxxas 5145) and USE light lube on joints
Friction and heat is your issue

Upgraded rockers are BLING and not required but nice however
Got all those mods on the bench. Just about to install everything and run it for the first time.
Another set of parts that no one has mentioned yet is the dirt guards. It kind of depends on how and where you will be driving, but the Arrma dirt guard set (#AR330414) is pretty good. I have this one and have been very happy with it. A lot of people have also gone with the T-Bone Racing guards. They are more expensive and they pull double duty, being both dirt guards and skid plates. T-Bone Part Numbers are Front #10048 & Rear #10049.
I've seen the guards from both arrma and t bone. I'm not much of a fan of there appearance personally. If my conditions warrant it I'll grab some.
Yeah, same as me. I have the Big Rock and my girlfriend the blue Nero.
Both: Position of the shocks, Aluminium ESC mounting plate.
Big Rock: Hobao spring cups, DIY- 1,5mm carbon mud guards front and rear, DIY wheely bar, mesh onto the fan of the ESC to keep stones away, lights at front and rear bumper, build a homemade body stand for the rear section (broken by chrash).
Nero Blue: Lights front and rear bumper, mud DIY guards from 1,2mm cfk, also front and rear.
The most important guards are the rear ones. If you has mount these and you was driving through wet dirt, you will see!
Next project: 17 to 24mm hex adapter to mount 1:5 hpi rims/wheels.

Ok, the body´s on both cars have hard scratches and some breakages....

All in all, we love our Neros.
So I spent most of my free time yesterday getting set up. Building new leads for the new charger I got, soldering xt90's on the gensacearespammers 7600mah 2s batteries I picked up, reinforcing the body with shoe goo and Sheetrock tape, installing the hobao spring perches, moving the shocks to the third hole in all the corners and replacing the rocker posts with m5x35 black oxide steel bolts.

I took it for a quick spin without the body at 11pm last night and well, it drives lol. I didn't want to wreck it on account I couldn't see it because it was dark out lol. I'll flog it a little today. Still need to spray the body with plasti dip and then clean up the mount holes, so I'll still be bodiless. I've been so anxious waiting for this thing to come! It's been awesome so far.

I will say I'm highly impressed with the fit and finish. The truck looks great and the materials all have a superior quality about them. Wrenching on this rig will take some getting used to. I made my life far more difficult than was necessary yesterday lol.