Real Fire painting, How to

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One of my favorite things to paint is flames, old school flames, hot rod flames, or my favorite true fire. I did this how to to help anyone who would like to give it a try. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask, I will be happy to help you out.

Materials needed:

Paints -

Spaz Stix Hard Annodized yellow and orange
Pactra Acryl basic white and basic black


Paint Shields -

I made my own freehand shields from scrap lexan


Lets Begin -

The first thing I did was trim and wash the body. Then using the Spaz Stix Hard Metal anno, I shot the majority of the inside of the body, covering everywhere I wanted the flames, then let it dry completely.


Next, using the freehand shield, and acrylic white paint I laid out the first layer of flames. Shooting around the outside of the shield. The heavier the white the brighter the yellow will be on the finished product.




Next, after letting the white dry completely I shot the inside of the body with the Spaz Stix Hard anno orange and let it dry completely. Once dried I again used the shields and laid down the next layer of flames using the Pactra acryl basic white.


After letting it dry completely again, I then backed the entire inside of the body with the Pactra Acryl basic black.



Then for the finishing touches I cut a thin strip of the window masks to make a border around the windows, painted the rivets on using a toothpick and some silver paint, backing that with Pactra acrylic charcoal, and then painted the bed using the carbon fiber technique.


After peeling off the protective film this is what I had...



That's basically all there is to it.
I need to have you do this to a Proline Bulldog body, that would look sick on a Kraton.

That would look awesome :D

@Unusual RC not sure really, each coat takes a bit of time, but since there is no masking you save time there. I will have to watch how long it takes next time I do one.
Every good painter I know (rc or anything else) has the patience of a monk and almost never knows how long something will really take to paint....this is why I suck at painting lol
I love painting, it is one of my favorite parts of the hobby. So I guess I really don't care how long a paint job takes, I won't rush one just to get it done.
That looks great!

But, with my patience I *might* get to the point of having a "Spaz Stix Hard Metal anno" painted body from your instructions above and then give up. Kudos to you for being able to produce such exceptional work.
No problem, if you paint something post up some pics, I would love to see them.
If I post pics ya gotta promise not to laugh. I am a horrible painter. I only lack 2 things,talent and taste!:p
Awesome ncNitro! Got my liquid masking film,faspearl key lime,faspearl raspberry. I want to see this thing from space! Is the final spray a special type of paint? Or just a white paint? Love the blown bus!
Roger, if you are talking about the white for the flames, that is just Pactra Acrylic white, you can use any acrylic white for lexan of your choice, I just prefer pactra as it shoots much smoother than other brands.

Where's the flames Darren? lol.
Darren I'm thinking the name could be buster. NcNitro I'm talking about the protective last coat, like on the stock body's I have. Is that just the last spray and not a protective thing? I know very little about the painting process. I have YouTubed stuff but that is all. I run across one of those old bearingless oil less compressors.i am all in on airbrushing this thing. Probably should have just spray canned it but, if ya gonna be a bear be a grizzly!