Reversing rear camber links to prevent them from hitting the drive cups

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Arrma RC's
  1. Raider
I broke a rear camber link yesterday. It appears that this did not happen from crashing but from jumping. When the springs are compressed to the maximum, the drive cups from the stub axles can hit the camber links. It has happened hard enough to take some chips out of the cups (not in a way that it affects them though) and finally one of the linking arms broke in that spot. It was on my Raider on SC wheels so it does compress a bit easier than with the original buggy wheels.

I will order a new set but I was not too pleased about the design failure that made this possible. I tried putting the other cambler link the other way around and it works without touching anything over the complete suspension travel. As it is fitted between ball couplings it can only be loaded longitudinally. This means it will not really be loaded in a different way than it's designed for.

On the pic below you can see the reversed camber link and damage to the drive cup.

You could try replacing the camber links with turn buckles and putting the ball joint on the other side of the hub assembly. That is if there is enough room between the spring and the hub assembly.

You could try replacing the camber links with turn buckles and putting the ball joint on the other side of the hub assembly. That is if there is enough room between the spring and the hub assembly.

That would not work as there needs to be a bend in the arm to go around the spur-cover. It would have been a nice way to have adjustable camber.

In the mean time, I stress tested the reversed camber link on an outdoor track and had no issues whatsoever.

By any chance is the raider you have one of the older versions. I ask because the manual's for the Mega and the BLX versions is showing turnbuckles instead of pre set camber links, it looks like they upgraded those links. If you take a look at pages 14 and 15 in the mega manual and pages 15 and 16 in the BLX manual you will see what I mean.
I see your Problem. Your Upper Rear Arms are mounted on backwards on the wheelhubs. The pivot ball has to be foreward. this is because Arrma made 2013 a new cheaper Mega version without turnbuckles. then they also did a new manual... strangly they drawed the pivot ball backward in the rear hubs. but now the upper arm would be crossing the lower arm and put stress on itself.

you can find the foreward mounted pivatball again in 2014 version manuals