Senton Senton speed run build

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Glendale, AZ
Arrma RC's
  1. Nero
  2. Senton 6s
  3. Typhon 6s
Bought a used Arrma Senton for the purposes of doing a speed run. Going to document this in steps. Was pretty much a bare chassis.

Replaced the bearings w/ Fast Eddy bearings as the ones in it were a hair crunchy. Replaced the front lower A-arms as they had some cracks. For now I'm using an Arrma black can motor and Mamba Monster 2 esc. Have some foam wheels on it at the moment, they came with the truck. Used the droop screws to lower the truck down and I'm running the stock body for now. Using a 17t pinion, and 2x 3s 40c 5000mah batts for 6s

I plan to do a GT conversion at some point, may use x01 parts, and a deltaplastik body.

First run got 53mph. Not bad, but it's only a 17t for the moment.

Next step will be a spool to replace the spur gear and I should be able to make some higher numbers after that. Have most of the parts in hand or should be here this week, after I get that spool built and the diffs rebuilt/shimmed I'll make another run and see where we get.

I had a problem w/ the foams, lost a chunk off of one of them so they'll be retired. Probably going to look at X01 tires or some GRP's. If anyone has some input into this, feel free.

Need to find a better gps for the speed run, Had the spare phone sitting around and used it, didn't think it would be that difficult to see the speed in it.

Got spool made so on the next run, I'm going to be going from 17/50 to 29/36. Should be a large increase in speed.

Also shimmed diffs front and rear and decided to go w/ 80k on both ends hoping that will help keep it straight. We'll see.

Also had a tiny bit of play between the hubs and the uprights, so I threw the last of the shims I used for the spool in there and took out some of the slop. Much nicer.

And some GRP's arrived to replace the foam that chunked. It's fractionally taller than the foams.

Hopefully maybe tomorrow afternoon I'll be able to get out there and run it. If not it'll have to wait till next weekend.

Got out this afternoon and tried to run a speed run. Several attempts and the truck would blow over in the 60's before I was even at full throttle on the trigger.. :( There was a little bit of wind and that wasn't helping.

But the spool, diff shim, tires all worked well so at least that a positive. :)

So, next step is to do a GT conversion on it. Looking at a couple of Delta Plastik bodies, I've seen several that use X01 parts for a lot of the conversion but that adds up, wasn't sure if I wanted to do that or not. Open to suggestions on this.

I have to take the body off if I try to do speed runs. I think it only worked once leaving the body on without it parachuting. Fastest its ever hit was 66.1 mph and this was the V1 Senton, I have the 200 blx system(motor and ESC) on mine now, but I haven't done a speed run yet. Got it up to 62 mph on my street but that wasnt full throttle. Take the body off and you wont have a problem with it flipping.
That's exactly what was happening. V1 and in the 60's it goes airborne. I don't think the overall shape of the body is terrible, but the fact that it's not sealed is a huge problem.
When I tried doing speedruns with my Slash 4x4 I couldnt even get anywhere near 60 without flipping. The Senton body is much better than anything I've ever ran thats stock, but yea, it still parachutes. I might go do a speedrun tomorrow with the BLX200 system on the senton now that I'm curious of what it can do. Ive got a four lane street thats not really busy I can run on, only problem is, that its not very level. I wanted to go the speedrun route with the senton, but now Im just all about ruining lawns with the BLX200.
have you tried taking the wing off and putting some old deep socket in the front bumper . a little weight in the front will help keep it down. the air is hitting the spoiler and causing the front to lift
I don't think the little wing in the back is getting that much air. it's below the roofline so any it did get is pretty disturbed. It is set w/ a little bit of rake. I think it's more the body being super wide and the tires being 'tucked inside. Allows the sides to catch a lot of air and they do flap around a little.

I may ballast the nose a bit though.

Always planned on doing gt conversion on this, was going to do step by step and measure progress on it. Haven't gotten started yet on it got sidetracked on some other project and just spend a bunch of money on a new water heater.. :-(
Theres a panel on the front bumper that you can remove to get better airflow and stop the car lifting. Cant quite tell if you have done that already in the video.
I just put in an order for some xo1 nose pieces. Got an email in to delta plastik had a question about a couple of their bodies. Gonna get that going.. May look at that front end again and possibly some ballast and see if I can keep it planted for a bit faster speed this weekend if it doesn't rain.
Got out this afternoon and tried to run a speed run. Several attempts and the truck would blow over in the 60's before I was even at full throttle on the trigger.. :( There was a little bit of wind and that wasn't helping.

But the spool, diff shim, tires all worked well so at least that a positive. :)

So, next step is to do a GT conversion on it. Looking at a couple of Delta Plastik bodies, I've seen several that use X01 parts for a lot of the conversion but that adds up, wasn't sure if I wanted to do that or not. Open to suggestions on this.

Here's my senton with a Delta plastik Toyota GT1 body....stock esc,motor,spur and 17t pinion....hits 57mph gps with a 50c 6s 5000mah ?


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Here's my senton with a Delta plastik Toyota GT1 body....stock esc,motor,spur and 17t pinion....hits 57mph gps with a 50c 6s 5000mah ?

Been a while - I've got a delta plastic (damn autocorrect) body, bout half way through converting it. Need to get back at it. Were you having problems w/ the car flipping, or you just swapped anyhow?