servo arm screw

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Afro Samurai

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Digital Underground
Arrma RC's
  1. Nero
that servo arm screw...the one at the end of the rod...not the one on the servo....the one that you can see through the cutouts on the bottom plate. sure to keep an eye on it...mine fell out...none if the provided screws are long enough...and they don't give you any small lock nuts...

lucky for me I have tons of rc spares...and I found a screw and nut that works...I put loctite on it also...

so go ahead and put loctite. .or nail polish or whateveryou want on it soon...or you will lose all steering. ...
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Yup, that happened to me yesterday. And just today I somehow lost the retaining pin out of one of my front drive shafts. Then since I was doing repairs I decided to remove and check all my wheel end drive shafts, didn't happen. Freaking grub screws that holds in the retaining pin for the wheel hex on three out of four shafts stripped out like somebody used red locktite on them. It still runs but when I need to replace bearings or drive shafts I'm stuck. going to have to buy the entire wheel end assembly along with drive shaft assembly. Not that happy right now.
Oh and watch the red pillow ball retainer, I had both of them on one wheel back way out on me. I reinstalled them with Teflon tape to tighten them up a bit.
Other than that it's a fun truck.o_O
yeah...I noticed that on the pillow ball retainers...good idea on the Teflon tape...I will be sure to do that...and check the wheel hex retainer pin screws...

yeah...truck is a riot for sure...
Did some searching and to replace the things on my truck thanks to those stuck setscrews is going to run roughly $130 or so. :eek:
Think I'm going to just run it and worry about the wheel ends as they fail.
Of course my slightly OCD nature is gonna LOVE that.
Did some searching and to replace the things on my truck thanks to those stuck setscrews is going to run roughly $130 or so. :eek:
Think I'm going to just run it and worry about the wheel ends as they fail.
Of course my slightly OCD nature is gonna LOVE that.

hold on..hold on..something isn't right...explain this to me...let's talk this out.. $130?...what parts or pieces are we talking about...let's put our heads together on this. ..
Admittedly that is the worst case scenario but here are the part numbers:
  • AR724404, The screw that stripped out and started it all.
  • AR713014, The pin held in by said screw.
  • AR330359, Hex hub held in by pin.
  • AR330358, Wheel end shaft, most expensive part and probably going to need three if not all four.
  • AR330361 and AR330365 Wheel hubs.
Rest is bearings and the rubber boots on the end of the drive shafts, figured I'd figure them in there as well, I'll use them eventually.

Probably going to try to drill out the screws and get them out with an eze out but not going to hold my breath.
I will also look into it...I am researching see if there is anything that will help free it the top of my head...I'm thinking PB breakfree...I will work on it after the holidays...and will share my results...
Did some searching and to replace the things on my truck thanks to those stuck setscrews is going to run roughly $130 or so. :eek:
Think I'm going to just run it and worry about the wheel ends as they fail.
Of course my slightly OCD nature is gonna LOVE that.


Have you tried heating the end of the shaft up with a lighter so the thread lock will liquefy. I have the same problem with the grub screws for my MIP CVD's on my Revo and the only way to get them out is to add heat to the equation. And if the grub screws are already striped then you also need to get an Allen wrench that is a little bit bigger then the stock one so you can force it into the end of the striped grub screws so you can turn them when the axels get hot enough to melt the thread lock .
Did some searching and to replace the things on my truck thanks to those stuck setscrews is going to run roughly $130 or so. :eek:
Think I'm going to just run it and worry about the wheel ends as they fail.
Of course my slightly OCD nature is gonna LOVE that.
Go to a hardware store and get a ezout... then when you go to remove them drill them out with provided bit and heat them up a bit should come right out and then replace with new pins... just did this to my buddys erevo had a axel pin strip out got a 2.0 or 2.5 mm ezout came right out with a little heat. Definatly better than 130, i think it cost me 5 or 6 bux... worth a shot any way. Good little tool to have on hand...
Aroma sent me all the parts I needed except 4 bearings which are on backorder.
I think that now since I have spares I'm going to try to get the screws out with the judicious use of heat.
Based on previous experience fire + plastic = a buncha cussing and foul odors so we will see.
Aroma sent me all the parts I needed except 4 bearings which are on backorder.
I think that now since I have spares I'm going to try to get the screws out with the judicious use of heat.
Based on previous experience fire + plastic = a buncha cussing and foul odors so we will see.
Just drill it and use an ezout with a bit of heat... nothing hard about it most likley come right out...and if ya already have new stuff who cares if it breaks... the stock bearings are not great any way... i just got erevo axel pin out like this saving my friend some $$$ it was stripped and had alot of blue loctite on it... ive had the nero all apart to add diff brain and servos and had not one single problem removing any screw or grub screw lickily i suppose ive seen alot having issues... ezout and heat maybe just heat... it melts loctite blue is only good for a few hundred degrese... red is a diffrent story that will take some good heat to let go...