Outcast Servo Saver

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Arrma RC's
On every outing with the outcast now, the adjustment collar on the servo saver is backing itself off. It takes forever to get it threaded and tightened up again. Should I put a bit of loctite on it, or is there something else I'm missing?

Only ailment at this time. Outcast is holding up great to some major driver follies.
That sounds really weird considering it normally has spring tension on it. Wouldn't hurt to try blue thread locker, Permatex gel can be applied on a small stick and placed, doesn't hold quite as well as liquid, may be perfect for snugging that nut up. I'd tend to tighten it up fairly well. Thomas P of Tp-PartsRC-Xtreme did a how to vid on how he adjusts his servo saver, may be helpful.
I went with the loctite. I adjusted the collar to where I wanted it and just dabbed some on one side. It's held up to 3 full bash sessions since. Even some nasty tumbles from bad driving.

Thanks for the tips man. Very much appreciated!
I went with the loctite. I adjusted the collar to where I wanted it and just dabbed some on one side. It's held up to 3 full bash sessions since. Even some nasty tumbles from bad driving.

Thanks for the tips man. Very much appreciated!
No problem bro, glad it's working for you so far.