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I just performed a few upgrades last night and got to make a two pulls down the street before the car spit out the pinion gear (don't forget the loctite!!). Along with swapping out to the included pinion gear, I mounted up some Split Six buggy wheels and AKA Enduro Medium - Long tires since that was the only thing my LHS carries for 17mm hub that's not a huge MT offering. I was very skeptical because of how narrow they are, and DO NOT like how they look on the car, but it did hook well and I even got the car to wheelie from a 10 roll instead of spin, so that was nice (disclaimer 200k cst oil in center diff).

I also picked up a SC8 big bore spring kit with 3 different pairs for each axle. 85mm front and 100mm rear if I'm not mistaken. I went with the stiffest option just to see how it went. We'll see how it all handles together soon. I'll get some pictures tonight.

I would love to see what you guys have some up with!
Cool does the buggy tires perfect for the senton?

Im still waiting for it to arrived thursday
But i plan on upgrading those braces from gka
And those mudguards ived seen around here

I will probably upgrade the electronics also
But we will see if i like the blx180 first
Might blew up and trade it in for the 185 heheh
Cool does the buggy tires perfect for the senton?

Im still waiting for it to arrived thursday
But i plan on upgrading those braces from gka
And those mudguards ived seen around here

I will probably upgrade the electronics also
But we will see if i like the blx180 first
Might blew up and trade it in for the 185 heheh

Just from one minute of driving, they were tons better than the stock tires. They are a little taller, not much narrower, but narrower than a traditional Proline SCT tire just by looking at it. I'll have some better info tonight and will post a picture.
2015 Arrma Senton...
  • Leopard 4282 w/ Castle shroud fan
  • Hobbywing Max8 ESC with XT150 connectors installed
  • Fast Eddy Bearing kit
  • Proline Super Swamper SC tires on DE Racing Trinidad wheels
  • Proline Slingshots on Stock wheels
  • 30k front diff, 50k center diff, 10k rear diff oil
Also got some Tekin springs to play with

I'm still in assembly stage, I will post up some pics when she is done.
No, I haven't done that. Is it really necessary? I ran it on the slingshots today in a mix of sugar and wet compacted sand and WOW. This truck continues to amaze me with the way it handles. It tracks so nice through deep ruts and bumps. It's also without a doubt smoother and more powerful than the stock setup. I'm in love!

I am running the 16t pinion on 6s and no heat problems whatsoever. I was not running the fan today just to see how hot it would be without it. At no point could you not hold your hand on the motor.
I will say, one thing I do not like about the Max8 is the fan shroud. With the least bit of dirt it is nearly impossible to remove. The fan sounds terrible after just the first run. I will be looking for a replacement.

I will install the cap pack while im in there.
Sorry for the awful lighting. Proline split six wheels with AKA medium race tires. PROLINE spring kit for sc8 front and rear, running the gold springs, heaviest. 16T pinion.

This truck drives totally different with the longer gearing and a taller proper tire. It's a handles well on the pavement, I'm assuming a solid 45- 50mph and instant wheelies from a stop. Could not be happier.

I will say, one thing I do not like about the Max8 is the fan shroud. With the least bit of dirt it is nearly impossible to remove. The fan sounds terrible after just the first run. I will be looking for a replacement.

I will install the cap pack while im in there.
I put a screen on my fan that will keep sand away from it :D
Sorry for the awful lighting. Proline split six wheels with AKA medium race tires. PROLINE spring kit for sc8 front and rear, running the gold springs, heaviest. 16T pinion.

This truck drives totally different with the longer gearing and a taller proper tire. It's a handles well on the pavement, I'm assuming a solid 45- 50mph and instant wheelies from a stop. Could not be happier.

Can you post a link where you get your tires from?
Im looking for a premounted offroad tires
I bought them from my local hobbytown. They weren't pre mounted, do not be scared to glue them yourself. This was my first time ever glueing. Used instant CA glue and it worked perfect.

Aka Enduro - this is an unbelievable price. They must be blowing them out?

Proline split 6 17mm hex

P.S. I would not recommend these for off-road bashing. These are race tires that will have significantly less traction on grass and loose surfaces than something with a taller tread. They do great on the street or hard packed dirt. If you're looking for a rough off-road bash tire I would put the Proline Trencher or Badland buggy tires on those Split 6 wheels and have at it.
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I just bought 2 sets of those tires premounted for 55 bucks shipped to me in hawaii
Are those tires good for offroad
The guy says its good for offroad
What would be the best sct tires for dirt and and beach sand
Im going to need paddle tires for this senton

I mounted Panther Paddle tires on DE Racing Trinidad wheels (short course). The tires hook up really well in sand and throw plenty of roost too. The wheels are one of the few Short Course wheel options with a 17mm hub.

I also run a set of no-name 1/8 scale buggy tires and wheels that I got from ebay. They work fine for general bashing.

I use a set of 1/8 scale buggy Proline Electron (clay compound) tires for running on the indoor clay track. These work much better than running on the track with the stock tires :-)

In general, I now prefer the 1/8 scale buggy wheels to the Short Course wheels because the 1/8 scale provides more clearance from the front steering/suspension parts. My short course wheels show signs of rubbing on the front steering blocks. Maybe it is OK if they rub occasionally but it bothers me when I see the scrape marks.
What do you guys mean by the "cap pack?" Are you talking about a different ESC and I shouldnt be concerned with this as I have everything stock except for pinion and tires...?