Shock upgrade for Arrma Granite

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New to the forum and the hobby ,bought a 2 s granite 4x4 and upgraded to 3s boost box,then added the wide trac boost box and during the install discovered that a couple of the shocks are toast,my question is what shocks would you all recommend to bring the ride height back to normal?would like to keep the price less than $75 bucks for all 4 shocks but don't want no junk either,any help would be appreciated ,
Here's Everything you will Ever want to know about Upgraded shocks for the 3S/4S lineup..


Thanx Tex ,A lot of info much appreciated



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Stock shocks are fine for most people, and cheap to replace at
If you want something more robust and easier to tune, the 6s arrma shocks are about as good as you'll find but require a little more work to get to fit. The above links will explain it better. Not hard, just extra steps.
The 4s arrma shocks are better than the stockers, and cheaper than the 6s, but might as well go 6s if spending the cash.
If you get 4s or 6s shocks, plan on needing new springs and oil, adding to the cost and complexity. Again can get the 4s or 6s from

The 2s/3s shocks are rebuildable if you want to go that route, just replacing the parts needed, but its only a few $$ more to get complete drop in set of 4 in most cases.

Avoid no name shocks, it's not even remotely worth your time. Leaky, weak, hard to find springs for.

Other shocks like proline and tekno are great, but can get expensive.
Thanks for the info,so the 6s are just a drop in an go or do I need to order xtra parts to make them work? Like I said when I added the armma wide trac boost kit I lost ride height ,then discovered a couple of the shocks are toasted, so looking for something that will bring the ride height back up an be sturdier than the shocks that are on it now plus drop in an go would be a plus,thanks for the help
Thanks for the info,so the 6s are just a drop in an go or do I need to order xtra parts to make them work? Like I said when I added the armma wide trac boost kit I lost ride height ,then discovered a couple of the shocks are toasted, so looking for something that will bring the ride height back up an be sturdier than the shocks that are on it now plus drop in an go would be a plus,thanks for the help

No they are not a drop in, everything you need to know is in the thread linked above.
The 6s arnt drop in. Youll need axial part# AXA1356 to take up the slack on the upper eye. Nitro fuel tubing, 3d printed parts and other things have been used as well. Youll very likely need new springs since the 6s shocks use heavier springs than 3/4s rigs. Oil will probably be ballpark ok but don't get the 6s shocks unless your ok changing that too. A longer bottom screw - the one that screws into the a-arm - is recommended.
Axial bushing
Shock Sticky for 3s
Spring rates list
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